新作丨Bethan Laura Wood 英国艺术大家 首
2022-06-07 22:49
Bethan Laura Wood,英国艺术大家,毕业于英国皇家艺术学院,并获得产品设计硕士学位,师从Jurgen Bey、Martino Gamper。自2009年以来,她一直致力于多学科的设计实践,注重材料、手工、以及色彩和细节。
Bethan Laura Wood, a master of British art, has graduated from the Royal College of Art in the UK and has held a masters degree in product design, under the tutelage of Jurgen Bey and Martino Gamper. Since 2009, she has been devoted to multidisciplinary design practice, including materials, craftsmanship, color, and details.
Project @ Hermès Nature At Full Gallop
Hermès The Fruits of Labour
Bethan Laura Wood的作品充分表现了“自然艺术”的精髓,模糊艺术与设计之间的清晰界线,以独特的灵感和丰富的配色,塑造出独一无二的视觉艺术作品。多年来,她长期与爱马仕、迪奥等奢侈品牌以及国际知名地毯品牌cc-tapis都有着长期的密切合作关系。
Bethan Laura Wood‘s work fully expresses the essence of natural art. She has blurred the clear boundary between art and design. Through her inspiration and color matching, she has created the only visual artwork. Over the years, she has closely cooperated with luxury brands like Hermes and Dior, as well, cc-tapis, an international famous carpet brand.
Bethan Laura Wood自孩提时期便对创意的世界充满好奇,积极探索人与周围日常事物之间的美妙联系。在生活和艺术的多元互动中,萌生了她对色彩、材料工艺和设计的兴趣。于她而言,激发创作灵感的往往不是单一的物件或材料,而是在材料的寻找并与工匠的合作过程中。
Bethan Laura Wood has always been interested in creative things from a really young age,
exploring the beautiful connections between people and everything around them. Through the interaction between life and art, her interest in color, material technology and design was born. For her, it is often not a single object or material that inspires her creation, but the process of finding the material and working with the artisans.
▲Project @ Cabinets and Desk
Bethan Laura Wood瑰丽多变的时尚风格影响着她的工作以及创作本身。她常与音乐家、艺术家或时装设计师等不同领域的跨界合作,由于她对色彩与材料有着独特的见解和前卫的处理手法,最终呈现出来的作品充满了戏剧性的张力。
Bethan Laura Woods magnificent and varied fashion style influences her work and her creations. She often collaborates with musicians, artists or fashion designers across different fields. Due to her unique insights and avant-garde handling of colors and materials, the final works are full of dramatic tension.
ject @ Philippes Bed Friends Design
ject @ Valextra Toothpaste