奢华触感公寓 对经典的现代诠释 首
2022-07-14 09:30
“ 古典主义经久不衰的魅力可能永远不会过时,区分好坏的是执行力。 ”
设计师手记 丰富的物质性和极简主义的心态, 这个内部跨越了实用和过度的两个世界, 提出了它不需要是一个或另一个的案例。
FNL 公寓散发着奢华的触感。在城市喧嚣中营造出一种避暑别墅的态度,各种风格的参考——从 70 年代、好莱坞时代、太空时代和亚洲文化——无缝融合,营造出一个轻松舒适的住宅。
FNL apartments exude a luxurious touch. Creating a summer house attitude amid the hustle and bustle of the city, a variety of stylistic references – from the 70s, Hollywood era, space age and Asian culture – blend seamlessly to create a home that is relaxed and comfortable.
这个有点非传统的住所将设计师的个性贯穿始终。某种朴素的魅力和有机性与独特的颜色选择和房间隔板相结合,营造出一种亲密感,让人想起意大利艺术家 Carlo Mollino 的作品。
This somewhat unconventional residence carries the designers personality throughout. A certain understated glamour and organicity are combined with the unique colour choices and room dividers to create a sense of intimacy reminiscent of the work of Italian artist Carlo Mollino.
一个定制的搁架系统,由生轧钢制成,重量超过 600 公斤,排列在客厅的墙上。一种原始的质感愉悦,钢骨由装饰性木材和大理石嵌件支撑。
A bespoke shelving system, made of raw rolled steel weighing over 600kg, lines the living room wall. An original textural delight, the steel skeleton is supported by decorative wood and marble inserts.
日本风格的实心橡木咖啡桌造型增加了深度,红色的 Amura Lapis 沙发与柔和的泥土石膏墙和抛光的混凝土地板相映成趣。
Japanese-inspired solid oak coffee table molding adds depth, and a red Amura Lapis sofa complements soft earthy plaster walls and polished concrete floors.
Together with a set of retro easy chair armchairs upholstered in cream terry fabric, their expansive, curvaceous forms are a modern interpretation of classic design.
Designed with occasional use in mind, the kitchen takes a minimalist approach, it focuses on simple forms and high-quality materials, and the travertine washbasin in farmhouse style sits on a free countertop and is a natural complement to the palette.
The cabinets float above the ground and are made of a black lacquered steel profile structure clad in ebony to create a sense of lightness in the space, and bronzed shelving that curves along the walls is a continuation of its larger living room counterpart. A custom-designed table made of black oak is the central fixture in the dining room.
客房覆盖着 1960 年代风格的单板,赋予其“盒子”特征。一盏红色的 Verpan 灯矗立在同色的定制小架子上,在打破简约的同时,为房间增添了活力。金色阴影中的小型翻滚大理石瓷砖和橡木贴面感觉与 1960 年代的桑拿浴室相呼应。
The room is covered in 1960s-style veneer, giving it a box character. A red Verpan light stands on a bespoke small shelf in the same colour, adding vibrancy to the room while breaking the simplicity. Small tumbled marble tiles and oak veneer in shades of gold echo a 1960s sauna.
Elegant and laid-back to breathe, this apartment is as beautiful as it is functional, and bills itself as a home for lovers of classicism and devotees, the design practice skillfully reimagines these classic foundations, forming a nod to the enduring style. A fresh perspective.
With the strict taste of the client and the hard work of the designer, the project has a rich sense of identity and quiet confidence, the interior design is meticulous, every piece of furniture, several chairs and stools has been carefully designed in a living and curated feel A coveted balance was struck.
This attention to craftsmanship and bespoke detailing is where classicism icons really shine, from the white wainscoting panelled walls, the murals and baseboards on the doors to the handcrafted tables clad in marble. Clean and classic living areas are facilitated by well-appointed cabinets and joinery that subtly expose beautiful objects and hide those less beautiful everyday items.
The Greek busts are mixed with brightly coloured vases and wall-mounted engulfed doughnut-shaped stainless steel centerpieces, all handcrafted, with most of the light fixtures from Bert Frank. The simplicity of their sophistication, Art Deco and mid-century sensibility form a cohesive force throughout the space.