新作丨WSD · 诗间自然,自由栖居 首
2022-08-27 11:06
The ancient city of Zhengzhou has been on the historical stage since the beginning of Chinese civilisation. Thousands of years later, a contemporary spirit of innovation and openness has emerged, where the past and the present overlap.
保利璞岸隐于繁荣都市,逸于湖光雅境,诗意从山水中来,又归于城市的烟火中。WSD融合郑州文化底蕴和人文自然,通过 文化性 的 当代 表达,探索当代都市审美和生活方式,串联过去、当代和未来,将空间、生活、自然、艺术、文化巧妙糅合,构建一个诗意生活空间。
Poly Group - Inner Peace is hidden in the city, lying by the elegent lake. WSD integrates Zhengzhous cultural heritage and human nature, explores urban aesthetics and lifestyles through a contemporary expression of culturality, links the past, the present and the future, and subtly blends space, life, nature, art and culture to build a poetic living space.
WSD设计团队深入探究项目环境和当地城市人文,从当地古建筑中的院落格局中提取灵感,最终决定以 游园 作为整个项目的设计核心,结合当代表现手法,对东方诗意进行转译,构建更富有当代生命力的空间。
WSD design team explored the local environment and the urban culture, drew inspiration from the courtyard pattern of the local ancient architecture, finally deciding to use the garden as the core of the entire project, combined with contemporary expressions to translate the oriental poetry and build a more contemporary and vital space.
The form of Zhengzhous ancient architecture is simplified into a modern, abstract context, incorporating local humanistic connotations into the space.
水以柔成, 位于西大堂的纸艺装置,通过丝线的结和环相扣,配以绢纸的演绎形成水般的流动感,轻盈下暗含柔性的力量,在光影变化中,赋予空间气韵空灵的诗意以外兼具包容万象的张力。
The paper art installation in the West Lobby is made up of knots and loops of silk threads, with the interpretation of silk paper creating a sense of water-like flow.
With the garden as a corridor and the water as a path, entering slowly between the still water, two artworks echo in the space next to each other. It is an interpretation of the Eastern philosophy of landscape, invisible and borderless, in line with nature and in tune with the spirit.
Contemporary living should be more than material, but transcend emotions and reach the spiritual level. WSD has built an urban living museum here that is artistic, complex and diversified space that provides servitude to things, but not to things.
信息化时代下高密集的信息渗透,人逐渐禁锢于 信息茧房,但人不应是一座孤岛。WSD将洽谈区营造成更开放和具有公共属性的休闲书吧形态,希望将人与人、人与自我、人与空间进行深度的链接,不仅是个人精神能量加载空间,也可以成为一个新型社交空间。
WSD creates the negotiation area as a more open and public attribute leisure book bar form, hoping to link people with people, people with themselves and people with space in depth, not only as a space for personal spiritual energy loading, but also as a new type of social space.
The natural light is reflected through the dome into the interior, bringing a sense of solemnity and divinity to the space, and under the light, the shadows of the trees leave dappled shadows on the ground and the furniture, with the wilderness of the mountains and forests flowing into the space.
分而不隔的亚克力屏风让书空间与茶空间彼此独立又相互流动,框景 带来 花影移墙,峰峦当窗,宛然若画,静中生趣 的游园之意。
The acrylic screen allows the book space and the tea space to flow independently of each other, and the framed view brings a poetic meaning.
茶室的设计将文人雅趣——曲水流觞解构重现于此,曲水之意的流水装置,水经此汇入水景中,水与茶、空间与空间幻化成山水叠理,在此煮茶、品香便能感知王羲之笔下 虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情 的文雅诗意。
The design of the teahouse is a deconstruction of the literatis elegant interest, with a flowing water installation, through which the water merges into the waterscape.
The end of the art corridor - The Plum Blossom, highlighting the heritage of the local culture. The backdrop of the art installation is a partition wall interspersed with blocks of water, between which the water flows.
景观取 势,室内则取 质,可开合的推拉门,弱化室内外的边界,可以根据场所需求进行转换,在商业洽谈和户外派对之间灵活变换,一气呵成。
The landscape takes momentum, while the interior takes quality. The sliding doors that can be opened and closed, weakening the boundaries between indoors and outdoors.
Between form and meaning, WSD combines oriental aesthetics with contemporary design techniques to best fit the character of the space, thus enhancing the ambience of the meal, quietly flowing yet full of energy.
WSD explores the breadth of time and the thickness of spirit, and undertakes a unique journey of aesthetic exploration between East and West, tradition and modernity, the present and the future.
室内设计团队 | 胡兢春、蔡钰鸿、赵梓轩、李永恒、郑兴欣、廖永蓉 、邱嘉晓
WSD隶属于WS世尊集团,拥有一批深耕地产设计行业20余年的专业团队,具有国际化视野和商业新锐视角,高效服务于商业地产。WSD提供从室内、软装设计到产品配置的专业方案,为空间注入持续生长的商业价值。 WSD捕捉时代的新鲜元素,满足更多人对于设计和生活美学的需求,以包容开放的态度、国际化的专业力量,在当下语境中兼容表达自然、色彩与时髦态度,以专业设计力量置入文化脉络,刻画新世代的生活图像。