安定设计案例 | 听雨
2022-09-04 17:30
设计思路 本案空间设计涵盖了休闲、接待、喝茶、就餐、看书、书法、观景、户外体验等不同属性且融合意境的功能性空间场所。不拘泥于风格的形式,抛开过往传统的“中式”束缚,诠释为清雅之阁,成就空间新中式极简的格调。“听雨”则其是古人十大雅事之一,是结合空间塑造富有东方韵味清雅的意境美学所为其名,与现代的完美融合在于方寸间,在于意境美。
古朴素雅,一桌佳肴,一茶席和乐。一半人间烟火,一半山间归隐,闲暇时刻,一同相聚于席间,热菜素茶细烟袅袅,言笑晏晏。 Simple and elegant, a table of delicacies, a tea table and music. Half human fireworks, half mountain retreat. In the leisure time, we gather together at the banquet. The fine smoke of hot vegetables and vegetable tea curls up, and we talk and laugh.
发光透明亚克力展架清透明亮,不同于传统普通的展示架,高级的设计感立马提升整体空间格调,一侧悬吊立着富有中国古典建筑特色八角重檐亭的玄关灯,彰显东方韵味,贯穿生活的点滴。舒适的沙发,一盏温馨的吊灯照亮了清雅朴素的空间,无疑是一种人人都向往的理想生活状态。 The luminous transparent acrylic display stand is clear and bright. Different from the traditional ordinary display stand, the advanced design sense immediately improves the overall space style. On one side, the porch lamp of the octagonal double eave pavilion with Chinese classical architectural characteristics is suspended, showing the oriental charm and running through the life. The comfortable sofa and a warm chandelier illuminate the elegant and simple space, which is undoubtedly an ideal life state that everyone yearns for.
书房超长的桌面让人不禁在此淋漓尽致地挥洒笔墨丹青,影影绰绰的百叶窗帘将每天的光影随着时间的推移微妙的移动,读书写字,齐涵养寄精神快慰之极。 The super long desktop of the study makes people cant help but vividly sprinkle ink and ink here. The shadowy blinds subtly move the light and shadow of each day with the passage of time. Reading and writing are extremely enjoyable.
卧室空间采用以原木为主,明亮简洁,一盏吊灯的微光足以让夜晚更安眠。 The color of white walnut log is adopted in the bedroom,which is bright and simple. The dim light of a chandelier is enough to make the night more peaceful.
入户就是玄关休闲区大面积采用胡桃木的颜色,低调内敛,从玄关柜布置细节处考虑生活的居住场景搭配,使空间古朴而雅致。 The entrance means that the large area of the porch leisure area adopts the color of black walnut wood, which is low-key and introverted. From the layout details of the porch cabinet, the living scene matching of life is considered, so that the space is simple and elegant.
夜幕降临,灯光四起,静水倒影,篱笆小院,望江赏景,水台如溪流般潺潺动听,享受这片刻闲暇时光。 When night falls, the lights are everywhere, the still water is reflected, the fence is small, the river is looked at, and the water table is like a stream. Enjoy this moment of leisure.
坐着迎面轻轻拂来耳边的晚风便能感受时光清浅云淡风轻的美好。 Sitting in front of you and gently blowing the night wind in your ears, you can feel the beauty of time and light wind.
石板小路,别有韵味,青苔入阶长,听雨润无声,让人安静的守候,和这寻常岁月温柔厮守。 The stone path has a special charm. Moss into the long step, listen to the rain moisten silent. Let people wait quietly and stay with the ordinary years.
福建安定空间设计有限公司创立于2016年,ANDING设计研究所由多位具有国际理念的精英设计师组成,公司着力打造高品质空间追求品质与艺术的完美结合,为客户提供一体化和专业化的解决方案。服务涵盖办公室、高端会所、精品样板房、高级别墅、星级酒店及其其他商业空间设计。 在“一切让客户安心”的理念下,用最专业的设计及服务,为客户提供最满意安心的作品。以安定空间设计研究所为管理核心和创意源泉,打造有家装、公装、软装、园林四大业务板块,为广大客户带来高品质、专业化、精细化的整装服务。