神秘的东方韵味 微水泥与木材

2022-09-13 22:14
“ 最原始的材料, 打造最特别的设计。 ”
设计师手记 深灰色的 地板和木椅 这种组合为 整个项目带来了福音 地板、墙壁、内置储藏室 和厨房立面上光滑的微水泥 为具有生动质感的物品 提供了完美的背景
Zen Space Club



Olga Fradina Interior Design 的一个新项目的名称是在其创建时诞生的。
The name of a new project by the Olga Fradina Interior Design was born while its creation.


Starting from an apartment for rent, it has been gradually transformed into the client’s place of power and space for meditations and tea ceremonies with sole-mates.



客户是著名的 Katya Bakhirka,时尚品牌 Bakhirka Apparel 的所有者,致力于拯救亚马逊河原住民的慈善基金会——深森林基金会的创始人,以及被称为 BAKHIRKA 的嘻哈歌手。
The client is a famous Katya Bakhirka, an owner of fashion brand Bakhirka Apparel, a founder of a charity foundation devoted to saving the indigenous people of the Amazonia – The Deep Forest Foundation, and a hip-hop singer known as BAKHIRKA.



正如 Katya 在她的一次采访中所说,对她来说,音乐是与志同道合的人取得联系的一种方式。
As Katya told in one of her interviews, music for her is one of the means to get in touch with like-minded people.



在这里,在 DzenSpaceClub 项目中,设计成为了这样一种媒介。Olga Fradina 被选为 Olga Instagram 个人资料的“同类”设计师。
Here, in the DzenSpaceClub project, design became such a medium. Olga Fradina was chosen as her “own kind” designer for Olga’s Instagram profile.



在与客户交换参考资料后,选择了深色主题,并根据 Katya 的要求在灰色配色方案中添加了深蓝色,Olga 进行了内部可视化,并得到了客户的确认,因此批准流程 已经完了。
After interchanging references with a customer, having preferred a dark theme, and adding on Katya’s request the deep blue to the gray color scheme, Olga had made the interior-to-be visualization, which was confirmed by the client, and so the approval process was over.



“对我来说,这个项目没有任何疑问或复杂的解决方案。我做了一切,就好像我为自己做的一样”,Olga Fradina 评论了 DzenSpaceClub 工作流程。
“There were no doubts or complicated solutions in this project for me. I made everything as if I made it for myself”, Olga Fradina commented on the DzenSpaceClub workflow.



该公寓位于基辅的布尔瓦诺-库德里亚夫斯卡亚街附近,位于旧砖房的最后一层,这对苏联时期的 5 层建筑来说是非典型的。
The apartment is situated near Bulvarno-Koudryavskaya Street in Kyiv, on the last floor of the old brick house, atypical for 5-floored buildings of Soviet times.



至于总建筑面积不大(只有 45 平方米,还有一个小浴室),显然必须重新规划,为所有预期的功能区腾出足够的空间。
As for the size of the gross floor area being not so big (only 45 sq.m along with a small bathroom), it is obvious that there had to be a replanning to make enough space for all expected functional zones.



By moving a wall dividing the bathroom, entrance hall and a living room, there appeared to be a more spacious bathroom, thus a full-sized shower unit could be installed, and in an entrance hall there emerged enough place for storage systems.



When a bedroom moved to a place, where initially a kitchen had been, a main living area, the DzenSpaceClub, jigsawed like a puzzle, where every part was in its due place.



这成为可能,因为除了椅子和沙发之外的所有家具都是由 Olga Fradina 专门为该项目设计的。
It became possible because all the furniture but for chairs and a sofa was designed by Olga Fradina exclusively for the project.


A multifunctional space including kitchen zone, dining area, home office, wardrobe room, and tea lounge looks not overweight due to forms and colour balance, involving a dark ceiling, which has made the room seem higher. There are no doors between rooms in the apartment, thus enhancing a feeling of vastness.


一位主要设计师的构想是深灰色的地板和木椅。这种组合为整个项目带来了福音。地板、墙壁、内置储藏室和厨房立面上光滑的微水泥为具有生动质感的物品提供了完美的背景:由奥尔加·弗拉迪纳设计的 Staritska maysternya 制作的矮木茶几、艾希霍兹的木制藤条藤椅、木架子 ,竹百叶窗,剑麻地毯,油漆下的砖块,最后但并非最不重要的是天花板的木制壁板。
A primary designer’s vision suggested a dark-grey floor and wooden chairs on it. This combination served as a boon to the whole project. Smooth microcement on the floor, walls, and built-in storage and kitchen facades made a perfect background for objects with vivid texture: a low wooden tea table, made by Staritska maysternya by Olga Fradina’s design, wooden rattan wicker chairs by Eichholtz, wooden shelves, bamboo shutters, sisal carpet, bricks under paint, and last but not least, wooden siding of the ceiling.
最后一个元素结合了整个室内构成,平衡了两种主要纹理(微水泥和木材)的体积,并将最初的空间缺陷——倾斜的天花板——变成了一种侘寂美学暗示,这可以在室内的其他部分进行追踪 , 也。法式沙发上方的圆形镜子故意放在窗户对面——奥尔加喜欢这样装饰。由于这种放置方式,镜子会在盲墙上产生窗户的错觉,并为房间提供更多的日光。灯光场景取决于分区,并且有一个调光选项。
This last element unites the whole interior composition, balances the volumes of two main textures (microcement and wood), and turns the initial space drawback – a sloping ceiling – into a wabi-sabi aesthetic hints, which can be traced in other parts of interior, too.A round mirror above a French sofa is placed opposite a window on purpose – Olga likes to decorate this way. As a result of such placement, a mirror makes an illusion of a window on a blind wall and allows more daylight to a room. Light scenarios depend on zoning, and there is a dimming option.





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