波西米亚风情 Torni 酒店

2022-09-18 15:57
“ Torni 酒店, 满满的波西米亚风情。 ”
设计师手记 Torni 融合了 新艺术风格 装饰艺术风格 和世纪中叶的现代元素 并在店内展示了多样 化的艺术收藏品 在袖子上 展现了其丰富 而传奇的过去 但同时散发出一 种清新、现代的氛围
Torni Hotels



赫尔辛基的 Torni 酒店恢复了其标志性地位,成为充满艺术气息的波西米亚风情和不拘一格的嬉戏天堂。
Helsinki’s Hotel Torni Reclaims its Iconic Status as an Art-Filled Haven of Bohemian Sophistication and Eclectic Playfulness.



1931 年,当托尔尼酒店在赫尔辛基开业时,其摩天大楼般的设计(“torni”在芬兰语中意为塔楼)引起了不小的轰动——并非所有人都喜欢一座 70 米高的建筑,它垄断了这座城市低洼的天际线。
When Hotel Torni opened its doors in Helsinki in 1931, its skyscraper-like design (‘torni’ means tower in Finnish) caused quite a stir—not everyone was favourable to a 70-metre-tall building monopolizing the city’s low-lying skyline.



Nevertheless, it soon became a beloved Helsinki landmark, not to mention the epicentre of the city’s political, cultural and culinary life.



Fast forward ninety-one years to the hotel re-opening its doors last April after an extensive two-year renovation, this time to an unanimously adulatory response.



芬兰连锁酒店 Sokos Hotels (SOK) 的皇冠上的明珠,改造后的 Torni 通过现代精致的镜头传达了原始酒店的波西米亚、高级和不拘一格的精神,由负责酒店餐厅的室内设计机构 Fyra 提供,两个 独特的酒吧和接待区,以及负责 154 间客房、楼梯和走廊翻新的 Studio Joanna Laajisto。
The crown jewel of Finnish hotel chain Sokos Hotels (SOK), the revamped Torni channels the bohemian, high class and eclectic spirit of the original hotel through a lens of contemporary refinement, courtesy of interior design agency Fyra, responsible for the hotel’s restaurant, two unique bars and reception area, and Studio Joanna Laajisto who handled the renovation of the 154 rooms, stairways and corridors.


全新的 Torni 融合了新艺术风格、装饰艺术风格和世纪中叶的现代元素,并在店内展示了多样化的艺术收藏品,在袖子上展现了其丰富而传奇的过去,但同时散发出一种清新、现代的氛围。
Mixing Art Nouveaux, Art Deco and mid-century modern references along with a diverse art collection displayed across the premises, the renewed Torni wears its rich, storied past on its sleeve but at the same time emanates a fresh, modern vibe.



由建筑师二人组 Jung - Jung 设计,仿照 1920 年代的美国摩天大楼,Hotel Torni 庞大的古典风格外观与装饰艺术风格的内饰相得益彰,与豪华酒店相得益彰。
Designed by the architect duo Jung - Jung in the likeness of the American skyscrapers of the 1920s, the bulky, classical-style exterior of Hotel Torni belied Art Deco inspired interiors as befitting a luxury hotel.


尽管从字面上看,这座 13 层高的建筑与美国同行相比差距很大,但在规划时还是非常有争议的——市镇议会和行政法院反对该项目,称其为眼痛。经过一场旷日持久且代价高昂的法律诉讼,酒店于 1931 年 3 月开业,引起了轰动。
Despite falling quite short, literally, of its American counterparts, the thirteen-storey building was very controversial at the time of its planning—the city’s town council and administrative court were against the project calling it an eye sore.



Torni 不仅是芬兰第一座完全电气化的建筑,它还配备了最先进的电话交换机、连接浴室(当时的新奇事物在 1980 年代才成为芬兰的常态),甚至还有屋顶停泊处德国飞艇 Graf Zeppelin 的码头(遗憾的是从未使用过)。
not only was Torni Finlands first fully electrified building, it also featured a state-of-the-art telephone exchange, en-suite bathrooms (a novelty at the time only becoming the norm in Finland in the 1980s), and even a rooftop mooring dock for the German airship Graf Zeppelin (sadly never used).


在接下来的几十年里,Hotel Torni 推出了一系列新设施,包括 1951 年该市的第一家屋顶酒吧,它配备了电加热器和三层玻璃窗,即使在冬季也能接待客人,和两年后芬兰的第一家中餐厅。
In the decades that followed, Hotel Torni burnished its new-age ethos with a series of additions including the city’s first rooftop bar in 1951, which was equipped with electric heaters and triple-glazed windows so it could receive guests even in the winter months, and Finlands first Chinese restaurant two years later.



酒店大胆的建筑和豪华的设施吸引了当地政界人士、知识分子和艺术家,如著名作曲家让·西贝柳斯和诺贝尔文学奖获得者 F.E. Sillanpää,以及美国总统赫伯特·胡佛、瑞典王子贝蒂尔等外国政要和名人, 美国飞行员查尔斯·林德伯格(Charles Lindbergh)和传奇艺人约瑟芬·贝克(Josephine Baker)——更不用说托尔尼作为二战期间间谍基地的臭名昭著的历史了。
The hotel’s bold architecture and luxury amenities made it a magnet for local politicians, intellectuals and artists such as acclaimed composer Jean Sibelius and Nobel literature prize winner F.E. Sillanpää, as well as foreign dignitaries and celebrities like US president Herbert Hoover, Prince Bertil of Sweden, American aviator Charles Lindbergh and legendary entertainer Josephine Baker—not to mention Torni’s notorious history as a base for spies during the Second World War.


Torni 作为该市最杰出、最具活力的聚会场所之一的声誉因该场地改造的酒吧和餐厅而得到提升。
Torni’s reputation as one of the city’s most preeminent, vibrant gathering spots has been given a boost by the venue’s revamped bars and restaurant.



American Bar 酒吧最初于 1960 年开业,在酒店中心宏伟的装饰艺术风格玻璃穹顶下回到了原来的位置,欢迎顾客进入一个永恒精致的喜怒无常的空间。
Originally opened in 1960, the American Bar returns to its original location under a magnificent Art Deco glass dome at the heart of the hotel, welcoming patrons into a moody space of timeless sophistication.


Dark green velvet curtains, dark-painted walls and earthy-hued patchwork marble flooring comprise a sulky backdrop for the black marble-topped bar counter whose circular shape mirrors the glass dome above.


著名的芬兰照明设计师 Paavo Tynell 在酒店的储藏室中发现并经过精心修复的装饰性烛台增强了酒吧的中世纪色调和感性氛围,而现代家具则以雕塑形式和流行色彩增添了俏皮的音符。
Decorative sconces by acclaimed Finnish lighting designer Paavo Tynell, which were found in the hotel’s storage and painstakingly restored, enhance the bar’s mid-century tone and sensuous ambiance, while contemporary furniture pieces add playful notes with sculptural forms and pops of colours.


世纪中叶和现代元素的混合被带到了全新的 OR 餐厅,这是一家位于酒店底层的现代小酒馆和葡萄酒吧。
The mix of mid-century and contemporary elements is carried onto the all-new OR Restaurant, a modern brasserie and wine bar on the hotel’s ground floor.


餐厅明亮通风,被米色、赭色、棕色和黑色以及浅蓝色的流行色所包围。勒柯布西耶的 Lampe de Marseille 壁灯进一步提升了装饰的现代感和低调的优雅,而一系列当代画作来自酒店自开业以来收集的大量芬兰艺术品,为餐厅增添了活力。部分购买,部分赠送(通常由手头拮据的艺术家代替付款),酒店的收藏品,包括跨越一个世纪的绘画、插图、雕塑和摄影作品,进一步丰富了 SOK 自己的艺术收藏品和新作品 委托进行翻新。
A bright and airy space, the restaurant is enveloped in an earthy palette of beige, ochre, brown and black with pops of light blue. Le Corbusier’s Lampe de Marseille wall lamps further enhance the décor’s modernist sensibility and understated elegance while a series of contemporary paintings, sourced from the hotel’s extensive collection of Finnish art collected since its opening, add to the restaurant’s vibrant character. Partly purchased, partly gifted (oftentimes in lieu of payment by cash strapped artists), the hotel’s collection, which includes paintings, illustrations, sculptures and photographic works spanning a century, has been further enriched with pieces from SOK’s own art collection, and new works commissioned for the renovation.


以波西米亚奢华感为基础,经过翻新的客房是宁静和斯堪的纳维亚优雅的避风港。室内设计师 Joanna Laajisto 为房间布置了橡木拼花地板、赭色天鹅绒床头板、定制黄铜灯饰、芬兰品牌 Roots 的手工地毯和定制设计的马赛克浴室瓷砖。可以理解的是,最令人向往的房间位于塔楼的顶层,Laajisto 用深色的木质细节和棕色、深蓝色和绿色的豪华室内装潢与城市的全景相得益彰。如果您问我们,最好的房间可以在酒店的 Kyllikki 部分找到,这是一栋 1903 年的住宅楼,在 1980 年代之前的翻修期间并入 Torni。
Underpinned by a sense of bohemian luxury, the renovated roo
ms are a haven of serenity and Scandinavian elegance.Interior designer Joanna Laajisto has furnished the rooms with oak parquet flooring, ochre-hued velvet headboards, bespoke brass lighting, handcrafted rugs by Finnish brand Roots, and custom designed mosaic bathroom tiles. Understandably, the most desirable rooms to stay in are on the top floors of the tower where Laajisto has complemented the panoramic views of the city with dark wood details and plush upholstery in shades of brown, and dark blues and greens.If you ask us though, the best rooms can be found in the hotel’s Kyllikki section, a 1903 residential building that was incorporated into Torni during its previous renovation in the 1980s.



位于酒店 13 楼的传奇 Ateljee 酒吧提供全城最佳景观,与一楼酒吧和餐厅相比显得更为柔和,因为室内设计师 Fyra 希望该空间能够在城市全景中退居二线。餐厅被米色、肉桂色、蓝色和深色木材的柔和色调所包围,全天营业,供应早餐、下午茶和深夜鸡尾酒——事实上,它已成为 上个月我们在那里住过时可以证明的最受欢迎的夜生活场所。最初通过经过忠实修复的狭窄螺旋楼梯进入,酒吧已方便地延伸至 12 楼,因此现在可以通过电梯直接进入。
Offering the best views in town, the legendary Ateljee Bar on the hotel’s 13th floor is much more subdued in comparison with the ground floor bar and restaurant as interior designers Fyra wanted the space to take a back seat to the panoramic views of the city. Enveloped in a soothing colour palette of beige, cinnamon, blue and dark timber, the venue is an all-day affair, serving breakfast in the morning, afternoon tea, through to late-night cocktails—in fact, it has become one of the most popular nightlife spots as we can attest when we stayed there last month.Originally accessed through a narrow spiral staircase which has been faithfully restored, the bar has been conveniently extended down to the 12th floor so it can now be directly accessed via the elevator.





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