集艾设计新作丨个性的展示 金茂常州丹阳眼镜城 首
2022-09-28 15:35
The original intention of the design is to explore the coexistence of multiple factors. Related to human activities and the subtle connection between human and space; Object existence that maps each dimension. Continuing the "prism" concept of the architectural landscape, the interior forms a borderless union to create an immersive future living experience pavilion.
The cyberpunk style IP "Optometry cat" is extracted, and multiple scenes such as service scene, interactive installation area, cultural and creative peripheral exhibition display area, pioneer optical shop, and Mai Lang field rest area are constructed to create an immersive experience and evoke a better perception of lifestyle.
The Oriental color "red sand", as the main color, inherits the unique charm and aesthetic of the East, presenting an immersive art sales office, which is the appeal of emotion and belonging. The natural landscape is all over it, and the balanced spatial layout subtly harmonizes the visual rhythm.
IP "Optometry cat" silver metal case, red glasses echo the theme of the city, wearing phoenixes on the head symbolizes the flame of courage, the totem on the clothing, like phoenix nirvana from the fire, sublimates the meaning of the cultural level, improves visualization and dissemination, so that customers can personally experience the diversity of the future city.
把外界阳光在不同时段的变化因素考虑其中,推敲比例,把握尺度;构筑动态的光影效果,彰显结构并演绎肌理的微妙细节。 简化的弧线造型,结合绿植的穿插,传递自然的纯粹。
Consider the change factors of the outside sunlight in different periods, consider the proportion, grasp the scale; Create dynamic light and shadow effects, highlight the structure and interpret the subtle details of the texture. The simplified arc shape, combined with the insertion of green plants, conveys the purity of nature.
Using the form of ring bridge throughout the whole space, moving lines will naturally progress the emotion, fully mobilize the senses to enhance the feeling and diverge the imagination.
The contour radian curve and its compound build the internal tonality of the space, integrating multifunctional uses in an integrated environment. The sunlight is allowed to wander between the gaps in the structure, thus forming a natural and open field.
The landscape art staircase with simple shape reflects classic meaning between the echo of "red" and "grey", creating a sense of calm, fashion and pleasure.
以 “有度” 着意于虚实相生的意境,以“极简”留白引人深思,通过简约儒雅的色彩、亲和自然的材料明快扼要地勾勒出流畅的沉浸式空间。
With "proper" in the artistic conception of virtual and real life, with "minimalist" white to attract reflection, through simple and elegant color, friendly natural materials, a smooth outline of the immersion space.
The negotiation area emphasizes the visual texture and strong material aesthetic feeling through the collocation of color, texture and luster. Using the light and shadow transformation of lighting media to create an artistic atmosphere, a large area of red metal mesh material enriched the hierarchical relationship of the whole space.
The natural wheat field rest area is set up with the interactive device of Punch in -- Dot optic Cat, which contains the philosophy of ecology and the cognition of everything in the universe. The wheat field is integrated with the concept of light and shadow to create an interesting interactive experience and strengthen the concept of space theme.
项目名称| 金茂常州丹阳眼镜城
Project Name | Jinmao Changzhou Danyang Glasses City
项目单位| 丹阳坤茂房地产开发有限公司
Project Unit | Danyang Kunmao Real Estate Development Co., LTD
业主团队| 王芃伟、王琳、李丹青、李虓、程宏琳、阚云峰
Owner team | Wang Pengwei, Wang Lin, Li Danqing, Li Xiao, Cheng Honglin, Kan Yunfeng
硬装设计| G-ART集艾设计-李阳团队
Hard installation design | G-ART set Ai design - Li Yang team
软装设计| 羽果设计
Soft outfit design | feather fruit design
PM总监 | 王正
PM Director | Wang Zheng
建成时间| 2022年8月
Completion Date | August 2022
项目摄影| 郑焰
Project photography | Zheng Yan
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