朗生案例 | 打破常规,重新定义餐饮文化的先行者—— 山月志
2022-11-30 09:45
项目名称:山月志 项目地址:天津市南开区食品街 应用花色:查尔斯柚木 M1176-3 应用基材:碳素板 碳镁板 刨花板 应用位置:墙面、门、格栅、柜整体落地 设计公司:简尚 / 山月志 / 特色家宴、商务宴请餐厅 弘扬中国传统文化 建立与食客之间的情感联接 Featured family and business banquets restaurant Carry forward Chinese traditional culture Establish emotional connection with diners 《易经》有卦,名曰“地山谦”。谦卦大吉,“卦如其名”,象征着君子的才华和美德隐藏在心中不外露。空间设计将”地山谦“的意境诠释得淋漓尽致。 There are hexagrams in the book of changes, which is called “Earth-mountain Modesty”. The modest hexagram is auspicious. “As the name implies”, it symbolizes the gentlemans talent and virtue hidden in the heart not to reveal. Space design will be “Earth-Mountain Modesty” interpretation of the mood incisively and vividly.
朗生的“查尔斯柚木”花色,纹理利落精致,规律感中尽显克制。墙面采用此花色,奠定了餐饮空间清冷典雅的氛围基调。 Lansens "Charles Teak" pattern is neat and delicate in texture, showing restraint in the sense of regularity. This design and color adopted on the wall, laying the atmosphere basic key that the dining space is cool and elegant.
东方色彩的水墨画与“查尔斯橡木”相得益彰,演绎中国传统文化,展现浪漫色彩,盛满憧憬和理想。 “Charles Oak” is complemented by ink paintings of oriental colours, illustrating traditional Chinese culture and presenting a romantic vision and ideals.
予人的感觉时而伟岸,时而深幽,时而志存高远。 The feeling is sometimes great, sometimes deep, sometimes ambitious.
“查尔斯橡木”在墙、门、柜等区域的应用,充分展现了朗生的整装一体化设计能力。 The application of "Charles Oak" in walls, doors, cabinets and other areas fully demonstrates Lansens integrated design capability.
特色家宴、商务宴请餐厅 弘扬中国传统文化 建立与食客之间的情感联接 Featured family and business banquets restaurant Carry forward Chinese traditional culture Establish emotional connection with diners