朗生案例 | 有型、有格、有品的办公空间—— 枫狗资本
2022-12-12 16:50
项目名称:枫狗资本 设计单位:之火设计 项目地址:福建省厦门市思明区湖滨东路93号华润大厦 项目面积:370㎡ 应用花色:纯黑 D4060(夯土面层) 应用基材:碳素板 应用位置:墙 / 枫 狗 资 本 / 本案例位于福建省厦门市思明区 枫狗资本的办公空间 有型、有格、有品 具备精英感与专业感 又不失生活的温度 This case is located in Siming District Xiamen City, Fujian Province Fenggou Capitals office space Personality, style and taste With a sense of elite and professionalism But not losing the warmth of living
< 入 口 > 黑色,向来给人以严肃、沉静、神秘的观感。入口处的朗生饰面板,大面积纯黑,与职场精英的沉稳相匹配,点明了办公室的商务属性。 Black always gives people a serious, quiet and mysterious impression.The Lansen decorative panel at the entrance is a large area of pure black, which matches the composure of the elites in the workplace and points out the business attributes of the office.
纯黑 D4060 < 休 息 区 > 大面积纯黑饰面板,凸显了办公场景的专业与秩序。同时,在空间内引入青葱绿植,与自然链接,摆脱沉闷乏味,平衡工作与生活,创造令人舒畅的办公环境。 The large area of pure black decorative panel highlights the professionalism and order of the office scene. At the same time, green plants are introduced into the space to link with nature, get rid of the tedium, balance work and life, and create a comfortable office environment.
夯土作为民间传统材料,拥有悠久的历史。纯黑饰面板定制了夯土肌理,还原真实触感,展现丰富的视觉效果。 As a traditional folk material, rammed earth has a long history. The pure black decorative panel has customized the rammed earth texture to restore the real touch and show rich visual effects.
朗生开创整装板材4S定制体系,实现了产品在色彩、肌理、规格、基材四个维度的个性化定制。纯黑饰面板与夯土肌理的个性结合,演绎了现代美学与传统元素巧妙融合。 Lansen created a 4S customization system for packaged boards, realizing the personalized customization of products in four dimensions of color, texture, specification and substrate. The unique combination of pure black decorative panel and rammed earth texture demonstrates the ingenious integration of modern aesthetics and traditional materials.
黑色格栅,属于朗生3D造型板,不同于平面基材,3D造型板让空间效果更艺术、更丰富,为设计师方案落地提供支持。 The black grid belongs to the Lansen 3D modeling board, which is different from the plane substrate. The 3D modeling board makes the space effect more artistic, rich, and provides support for the designers scheme implementation.
< 会 议 室 > 会议室沿用理智的黑调,展现了职场生活的专业态度。 The meeting room follows the rational black tone, showing the professional attitude of working life.
本案例位于福建省厦门市思明区 枫狗资本的办公空间 有型、有格、有品 具备精英感与专业感 又不失生活的温度