遇见自然 不役于物 不困于心_20230909
2023-09-09 17:02
Focusing on the clients lifestyle ensures the incorporation of elements that are integral to it (such as a piano for family musical events) as well as those necessary for interior design. The result is a calm and cozy atmosphere that serves as a stage for the homeowners beautiful collection of artwork and furniture.
Wood elements are incorporated throughout to add warmth and character, and American walnut paneling helps create a sense of privacy without sacrificing natural light.
The living room, kitchen and dining area feature concrete floors, while the bedrooms and family room feature warm wood tones for a cozy feel. Made from natural materials, the kitchen exudes minimalism and is intentionally free of any non-essentials. This allows it to be filled with the things that matter most to the owner - food, guests and conversation. The kitchen is connected to the main space of the living area, which is divided into two parts - the piano area and the lounge area near the fireplace.
A restrained palette of materials and neutral colors create a calm, serene atmosphere, while carefully selected artwork and furnishings provide subtle visual interest. Wooden elements and clean lines add warmth and richness, and large windows allow natural light to fill the space.
通过将业主的物品精简到他们真正喜欢和需要的东西,Ohra Studio 创造了一个不仅反映他们的风格和个性,而且感觉既精致又诱人的家。
By streamlining the homeowners belongings down to what they really like and need, Ohra Studio created a home that not only reflects their style and personality, but feels both sophisticated and inviting.
The client wanted a neutral beige interior in all rooms to create a cohesive look. As a result, the second floor of the house was finished primarily in wood, while the entire ground floor was finished in beige stucco.
The spacious volume of the houses entrance hallway and the curved staircase are emphasized by a three-dimensional tiled wall and a striking cluster of chandeliers made of clay and polystyrene foam. References to the natural world are incorporated throughout the interior. Highlights include a set of Mahno-designed pendants in the living room, which look like seed pods, and washbasins that look like hollowed-out boulders.
Mureli House 单色配色方案的唯一例外是主浴室,其特色是粉红色调,包括渐变淋浴门和鳞片状混凝土瓷砖,这些瓷砖可以从墙壁倾斜,同时作为挂毛巾和浴袍的挂钩。
The only exception to Mureli Houses monochromatic color scheme is the master bathroom, which features a pink hue that includes a gradient shower door and scaled concrete tiles that tilt away from the wall while serving as hooks for hanging towels and robes.
The entire ground floor, including the kitchen, is finished in beige plaster, with a monochromatic palette that extends into the three bedrooms of the house.