2023-12-25 14:13

△ Facade night view | 建筑立面夜景 八荒设计近日完成了北欧厨电品牌ASKO在国内的首家旗舰体验中心设计,八荒设计负责体验中心的建筑立面改造以及室内设计。体验中心位于浦东老船厂边的陆家嘴滨江金融城,沿街建筑各自有着分别代表自己企业形象的不同建筑立面风格。 STUDIO8 Architects recently completed the design of Nordic kitchen appliance brand ASKO’s first flagship experience center in China. STUDIO8 was responsible for the facade renovation and interior design of the project. Located in Lujiazui Riverside Financial City next to the historic shipyard in Pudong, the building sits amongst a street of architecture with unique facades representing its own corporate image. 如何将品牌价值表达于空间?八荒设计将“责任”定为设计主题,一方面表达品牌对环境的关注,另一方面也表达了八荒作为建筑事务所,对商业空间建筑改造项目的使命感。 How to express brand value in a set space? STUDIO8 chose "responsibility" as the design concept, expressing the brand's dedication to the environment, as well as STUDIO8’s commitment to their projects.

△ Location of the ASKO flagship experience center | 展厅位置位于陆家嘴滨江

△ Vertical hydroponic edible green column| 可食垂直绿化立柱 室内设计灵感来自于北欧森林的抽象之美。设计师在技术、空间、色彩、材质和景观等不同维度多重叙事,让漫步于展厅的参观者仿佛置身于一片抽象的北欧森林,沉浸式地体验空间和展品所传达的生活品质和环境意识。 The interior designwas inspired by the abstract beauty of Nordic forest. The architects told multiple narratives in different dimensions such as technology, space, color, material, and landscape, allowing visitors to feel as if they are walking into an abstract Nordic forest, and immersing themselves in the quality of life and environmental awareness conveyed by the space and exhibits. 建筑立面将对可持续生活方式的思考转化为空间语言,八荒设计在此次外立面设计上交付了一个简单负责的解决方案。黑色哑光遮阳格栅的二次立面包裹在原来的玻璃立面上,在阳光照射下,铝合金遮阳格栅缝隙中透出的光影,勾勒出建筑内外两个空间的“表情”,在这条企业馆林立的街道上落下一个既有分量又安静的音符。遮阳格栅自上至下密度逐渐稀疏,为不同楼层室内空间提供不同的通透度和私密性。建筑立面从外部看起来如同北欧地平线上升起的晨雾,逐渐消散。 The building facade transforms thoughts on sustainable lifestyles into spatial language. STUDIO8 delivered a simple and responsible solution for the facade design. A second facade of matte black sunshade louvers wraps the original glass facade. Under the sunlight, light and shadow revealed from the gaps in the aluminum louvers outline the "expressions" of the inside and outside spaces, setting a quiet but significant note on this street lined with corporate pavilions. The density of the shading louvers gradually becomes sparse from top to bottom, providing different levels of transparency and privacy for interior spaces on different floors. From the outside, the building facade looks like morning mist rising on the Nordic horizon and gradually dissipating.

△ Street facade before&after | 建筑立面改造前后对比

△ Facade day view | 建筑立面日景

△ 建筑立面这样格栅密度变化

△ 建筑立面图

△Detail | 格栅细节 幕墙上的“表情”是经过对建筑朝向以及一年内不同季节日光照射角度的精密计算后,所得出的最佳角度与密度,在夏天可以减少展厅因日照所需消耗的能源,冬天则可以引入优美的光影,有效减少展厅内部的能源消耗。同时有着极强的通透性,从街道可隐约看到展厅内部,一如“森林”的概念,打造出一种意味深长而又柔和的视觉体验。美学与环保兼具的设计,体现了对可持续生活方式的践行。 The "expressions" on the façade are the result of precise calculations of the building's orientation andsunlight angles at different seasons of the year. In summer, the shading system can reduce the energy consumption required by the exhibition hall; while in winter, it can introduce beautiful light and shadow, raising the energy efficiency inside. Its transparency also allows the interior to be vaguely visible from the street creating a gentle and lingering visual experience that echoes the “forest” concept. This design, which combines aesthetics and environmental protection, reflects the practice of sustainable lifestyle.







△ 一楼轴测图

△ 水培 草本植物
生活与自然之间的平衡来自于人与环境的和谐共生关系。旨在创造一段将展厅物理空间转化为能使人身临其境的漫步大自然的抽象体验,将访客带入感受“北欧森林”的静谧清新。设计团队在展厅中巧妙加入各种抽象的自然元素,如冰山、海洋和森林,感受材质自带的天然张力,同时亦将北欧森林的故事娓娓道来。其隐喻的全球变暖和污染等全球问题,也是本次设计及品牌想要关注探讨的环境问题。以空间传达品牌理念及思考,也正是八荒此次设计的初衷。 The balance between life and nature comes from the harmonious symbiotic relationship between humans and the environment. Thedesign aims to create an abstract experience that transforms the physical space of the experience center into an immersive walk in nature, bringing visitors into the serene and fresh "Nordic forest" atmosphere. The architects cleverly incorporated various abstract elements of nature, such as icebergs, oceans, and forests, into the exhibition hall, allowing visitors to feel the natural tension brought by the materials while narrating the story of the Nordic forest. Both the design and the brand also want to emphasize and explore issues such as global warming and pollution metaphorically, expressing brand philosophy through spatial design.

△ 一楼挑空空间

△ 抽象森林与生活的和谐氛围

△ 一楼平面图

△ 二楼VIP用餐区

△ 二楼VIP用餐区壁炉与开放厨房


△ 厨房细节

△ 二楼平面图






△ 三楼平面图

△ 各处植物群落细节

△ 环境问题启示细节

△ 灯光细节

△ 材质细节

项目信息 项目名称:ASKO HOUSE体验中心 主设计师:董雪莲, Andrea Maira 设计团队:Angel Gekov, Rubén Rodríguez Arana, 胡沈涛 设计公司:八荒建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司 网站: 联系 项目地址:中国上海 完成时间:2023年4月 建筑面积:535平方米 摄影:张大齐 摄影师网站: 业主:雅士高电器(上海)有限公司 材质:合金铝遮阳隔栅,环保乳胶漆,木皮,木粉固化地板,再生木户外地板,不锈钢,玻璃,火山岩,树脂,岩板,石英板 品牌:&Tradition、HAY、MENU、Santa Cole、Fritz Hansen、草字头、zarahome、Miniforms、Ferm Living, Compac, Valinge PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: ASKO HOUSE Lead Architects: Shirley Dong,Andrea Maira Team: Angel Gekov, Rubén Rodríguez Arana, Hu Shentao Design Firm: STUDIO8 Architects Contact Email: Project Location: Shanghai, China Completion Year: April 2023 Gross Built Area: 535 sqm Photo Credits: Sven Zhang Photographer’s Client:ASKO China Materials: aluminum, environmentally friendly latex paint, wood veneer, wood powder cured floor, recycled wood outdoor floor, stainless steel, glass, volcanic rock, resin, slate, quartz plate Brands: &Tradition, HAY, MENU, Santa Cole, Fritz Hansen, Caozitou, Miniforms, Ferm Living, Compac, Valinge