沉浸的时刻 首
2024-01-29 13:25
MOSP 面包店

A place that reflects the way everyone relaxes. The openings between these walls act as air vents, making this place a relational space without boundaries.

As soon as you enter, the view of downtown Daejeon from the terrace feels very chic. As you climb the gentle staircase, youll notice that the interior of the cafe is full of coziness. We wanted the cafe to be spacious, but not too wide.

House Caramél
| House Caramél

Caramél之家旨在作为一个过渡性的门户,结合了现有的联排别墅的外观,并精心设计了丰富的分层纹理,以提高日常体验。CJH Studio 专注于通过微妙的变化和材料的一致性来嵌入温暖,强调家是一个令人感到平静的地方。
Intended to serve as a transitional gateway, the House of Caramél incorporates the look of the existing townhouses and is carefully designed with rich layered textures to enhance the daily experience.CJH Studio focused on embedding warmth through subtle variations and consistency of materials, emphasizing that the home is a place to feel calm.

The House of Caramél, a unique expression of its owners personality, is made bold through warm forms and a sense of refuge, with a series of new layers adding to the homes popularity.

光作为住宅的焦点,同时在内部创造了一种共享的亲密感,House Caramél是经过精心策划的方法的最终结果,在控制干预的情况下产生了很大的影响。
With light as the focal point of the home while creating a sense of shared intimacy within, House Caramél is the end result of a carefully curated approach that makes a big impact with controlled intervention.