Peter Zumthor丨诗意与物性

2024-06-19 22:11
圣本笃教堂(Saint Benedict Chapel)位于瑞士格劳宾登州苏姆维特格村。这座教堂由普利茨克奖得主彼得·卒姆托于1988年设计,该项目独特地将内部和外部空间体验融为一体,并以木材作为关键元素。索恩本尼迪克特教堂紧邻现有的村庄教堂废墟,这座教堂因雪崩而损毁。它坐落在陡峭的山坡上,周围被森林环绕,免受自然灾害的侵扰。教堂位于草地边缘,与从附近村庄延伸出来的岩石小路相接。虽然设计没有遵循阿尔卑斯山传统巴洛克教堂的风格,但它采用了现代当地材料和建筑技术;同时,木质木瓦和木条的形状和使用似乎融合了附近阿尔卑斯山村庄的自然、传统和历史特征。
The Saint Benedict Chapel is located in Sumvitg, Canton of Graubünden, Switzerland.Designed by Pritzker Prize winner Peter Zumthor in 1988, this chapel uniquely integrates the experience of internal and external spaces, with wood as a key element.The Saint Benedict Chapel is adjacent to the ruins of an existing village church that was damaged by an avalanche. It is situated on a steep hillside, surrounded by forests, protected from natural disasters. The chapel is located at the edge of a meadow, connected to a rocky path extending from a nearby village.Although the design does not follow the traditional Alpine Baroque style of churches, it employs modern local materials and construction techniques. Meanwhile, the shapes and use of wooden shingles and battens seem to blend the natural, traditional, and historical characteristics of nearby Alpine villages.



这座新教堂位于一个名为索恩本尼迪克特(Sogn Benedetg)的小村庄之上,村庄的名字来源于教堂的守护圣人。与许多古老的教堂一样,它周围环绕着草地。一条蜿蜒曲折的老路,如同一条传统的教堂之路,从房屋一直延伸到教堂的入口,教堂的唱诗班也遵循传统,面朝东方。
The new church stands on a hill above the houses of a hamlet called Sogn Benedetg after the patron saint of the church. Like many old churches it is surrounded by meadows. There is an old path winding like a traditional church path up from the houses to the entrance of the church with its traditionally oriented, east-facing choir.
The main visual characteristic of many villages in Surselva is the particular tension between the architecture of the church and the traditional forms of the secular buildings - the white stone church in a style common the world over, usually basically Baroque, radiates against the dark wooden farm buildings, whose forms are rooted in the regional vernacular.We have become accustomed to this juxtaposition, have come to recognize it as a unity and as an expression of a historical order. The village church proclaims a world religion. It does this through the Word and expresses it with its architecture.


Sogn Benedetg的新教堂是在这种传统中诞生的。与旧教堂一样,它的形式表达了它的神圣性,并将其与世俗建筑区分开来。它位于一个精心挑选的地形上;这是我们从旧村庄中熟悉的。但这座教堂在一个方面背离了传统——它是用木头建造的。像古老的农舍一样,它将在阳光下变黑,南侧变黑,北侧变成银灰色。在Sogn Benedetg,当地人传统上使用的建筑材料木材被用于教堂的建设。这座新建筑展示了当地传统和人们处理这种材料的技能。
The new church in Sogn Benedetg has grown out of this tradition. Like the old churches, its form expresses its sacredness and distinguishes it from the secular buildings. It stands on a spot carefully selected for its topography; this is familiar to us from old villages. But the church departs from tradition in one way - it is built of wood. Like the old farmhouses it will darken in the sunlight and become black on the south side and silver-gray on the northern one. In Sogn Benedetg, wood, the building material traditionally used by the local people, has been used for the church. The new building shows this local tradition and the peoples skill in working with this material.

The slim external shape of the building develops from a leaf or drop-shaped plan.





In the language of geometry the basic form of the church is a lemniscate, that is, an algebraic curve of the fourth order, which becomes proportionally shorter and determines both the long and the cross section of the church. It conceals an interior which is surprisingly not slim but rounded and concentrated.








This interior space recalls older centrally planned churches of the region like those at Disla or Vattiz, yet it is softer and more flowing because of its biomorphic leaf shape. If it is true that spaces which are right-angled and have dominant intersecting axes radiate dominance, masculinity, then the form of this church is sheltering, feminine - a forma materna, which evokes the image of mother church and avoids creating an atmosphere of the classical didactic church.The form of this sheltering space seems to be moving, due to the east-west directional leaf-shaped plan which can actually be felt in the forward-thrusting curve of the choir. Although the space is enclosed there is no perspective drive. The space remains centered on a point in the middle of the church.






Whoever goes into the church leaves the land and climbs into the wooden vessel as if into a boat. The gently curved floor of wooden boards, which floats freely on the joists, is slightly springy underfoot. 37 free-standing structural timbers surround the leaf form of the floor and define the space. They support the roof, which is a structure of wooden struts, conjuring up the image of the veins of a leaf or the ribs on the inside of a boat. Beyond the columns, enclosing the curve, is a silvery wall, constructed and painted as an abstract panorama of light and shadow. In front of this panoramic backdrop the unity of the roof and the columns suggest a huge baldachin. Delicate slats in front of the windows under the baldachin modulate the light that falls in from above.




Beyond the columns, enclosing the curve, is a silvery wall, constructed and painted as an abstract panorama of light and shadow. In front of this panoramic backdrop the unity of the roof and the columns suggest a huge baldachin. Delicate slats in front of the windows under the baldachin modulate the light that falls in from above.

圣本笃教堂屋顶平面图 ©Peter Zumthor

圣本笃教堂立面图 ©Peter Zumthor
项目地点 |
竣工时间 |
建 筑 师 |
主要功能 |
主体结构 |
总建筑面积 |
67.3 平方米
项目尺寸 |
13.6 x 6.15 x 6.2 m
项目海拔 |
1300 m
项目摄影 |
Felipe Camus
Peter Zumthor

他在1958年至1962年间完成了木工学徒工作,随后于1963年至1967年间在纽约的普拉特学院(Pratt Institute)学习设计。
自1996年以来,他一直担任意大利语区瑞士大学(Universitá della Svizzera Italiana)门德里西奥建筑学院的教授。
他还作为客座教授在美国南加州大学建筑学院(Los Angeles)、慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich)和哈佛大学设计研究生院(Harvard Graduate School of Design)任教。
他荣获的众多奖项包括2009年的普利兹克建筑奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize),该奖项被誉为建筑界的诺贝尔奖;
1998年的丹麦卡尔斯伯格建筑奖(Carlsberg Architecture Prize)和1999年的密斯·凡·德·罗奖(Mies van der Rohe Award)。
2006年,他从日本艺术协会(Japan Art Association)获得了日本帝国艺术奖(Praemium Imperiale)。
2013年,英国皇家建筑师学会(Royal Institute of British Architects, RIBA)因他在建筑领域的重大影响,授予他皇家金奖(Royal Gold Medal)。

Zumthor House


Secular Retreat









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