活力 自由奔放的天性 首
2024-09-04 12:51
当Nikhil 和 Anjali 找到我们设计他们的房子时,我们感受到了他们自由奔放的天性,并试图将这种天性融入到他们房子的本质中,我们亲切地称其为 溪流之家。他们的家就像一条生机勃勃的小溪,充满了青春活力,在曲折中自由地向前流淌,与居住者充满活力的个性相映成趣。
When Nikhil and Anjali approached us to design their house, we sensed their free-spirited nature and sought to encapsulate it within the very essence of their home, which we fondly dubbed the Stream House. Like a lively stream, their dwelling was to surge with youthful energy, embracing twists and turns as it flowed freely forward, mirroring the dynamic personalities of its inhabitants.
Our design journey began with a nod to Japanese minimalism, drawing inspiration from its clean lines and uncluttered aesthetics. We also delved into the ethos of Indian architecture, finding resonance in its knack for crafting nested spaces within larger ones. Wooden columns and screens strategically divided the space, infusing intimacy and intrigue, inviting exploration and revelation at every turn.
该项目的客户是一位热衷于收藏艺术品的高尔夫球爱好者,他们在一块坡度较缓的地块上找到了梦想中的家园,该地块上生长着古老的橡树,四周环绕着岩石海岸线和附近的圣露西亚山脉。这对夫妇向Richard Beard建筑事务所求助,希望能设计一座雕塑般的住宅,既能拥抱自然环境,又能装点他们非凡的艺术收藏。
The clients for the project—golf aficionados with a passion for collecting art—had found a site for their dream home on a gently sloping lot studded with old-growth oak trees and surrounded by views of rocky coastline and the nearby Santa Lucia Mountain range. The couple turned to Richard Beard Architects to design a sculptural dwelling that would embrace the natural setting and frame their exceptional art collection.
Richard Beard与室内设计师Jean Larette合作完成了这个项目,Jean Larette设计了一个舒缓的背景,采用了与外部色调相协调的朴实材料,中性色和绿色的配色方案灵感来自于住宅的青翠景观。她对纹理的巧妙运用以及新旧家具的混合搭配,使线条简洁的现代主义建筑与有机感相得益彰。
Richard Beard collaborated on the project with interior designer Jean Larette, who devised a soothing backdrop of honest materials in harmony with the exterior palette and a color scheme of neutrals and greens inspired by the home’s verdant landscape. Her sophisticated use of texture and mix of new and vintage furnishings complement the crisp-lined, modernist architecture with an organic sensibility.
这套由Hollie Bowden设计的伦敦一居室公寓位于Seven Dials区的Covent花园,其设计经过深思熟虑,巧妙地利用了空间,采用了折衷主义风格的家具、物品和装饰,提升了居室的档次。
This Hollie Bowden designed one bedroom London apartment, located in Seven Dials Covent Garden, consists of a highly considered design to cleverly make use of the space with eclectic pieces, objets and finishes to elevate the home.
这栋房子位于一栋维多利亚时代的老建筑的5楼和6楼,楼梯狭窄且多风,这意味着Hollie对设计和家具的选择都经过了深思熟虑。在设计起居室时,Hollie希望确保空间舒适,因此选择了De Sade设计的20 世纪70年代模块化皮革沙发床,该沙发床还可以一分为二,方便在房间内移动。
The property set on the 5th and 6th floors of an old Victorian building includes a narrow and windy staircase which meant that Hollie’s choice of design and pieces were carefully thought through. When approaching the living room, Hollie wanted to ensure a comfortable space - and opted to include the 1970s modular leather sofa bed by De Sade which can also split in two allowing for easier movement around the room.