balbek Bureau 星际探索 首
2024-10-17 13:23
波兰华沙的Milla Nova精品店,以其独特的星际设计,成为了婚纱和晚礼服的时尚地标。这个位于Lipinski Passage的精品店,不仅展示了品牌的精致设计,更是成为了一个独特的艺术空间,让人在寻找婚纱的同时,也能体验一场星际之旅。
Unique shopping experience
Milla Nova是乌克兰婚纱和晚礼服品牌,在波兰华沙开设的第一家精品店。品牌创始人Zoryana和Iryna Senyshyn,希望这个精品店能摆脱传统婚纱店的美学标准,给创作团队更多的自由。
Milla Nova is a Ukrainian bridal and evening gown brand, opening its first boutique in Warsaw, Poland. The founders, Zoryana and Iryna Senyshyn, wanted the boutique to break away from the aesthetic standards of traditional bridal shops and give the creative team more freedom.
The designer team found inspiration deep in the starry sky and offered interiors inspired by the starry minimalism of Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey. They wanted to exploit the contrast between the delicate image of the bride and the brutal alien landscape. The visual aesthetic of the film suits them perfectly. Displaying wedding dresses on the interior of the second floor is inspired by the interior space of a starship - otherworldly, yet human and comfortable.
接待台附近有一组Driade Roly Poly软垫座椅和一个外观像燃料油的橡胶涂层重型落地灯。咖啡桌由微水泥制成。
In the passageway to the right of the main entrance of the exhibition hall on the first floor, the reception has a compact waiting area to greet customers. The reception desk is made of stainless steel according to a personal sketch - its rectangle and a curved circle represent the moon. The object looks deceptively simple, but its hard work: steel is bent on a factory machine and then attached to a frame. A large custom light box mounted on the wall to the right of the counter plays the brands promotional videos, which were created to match the salons interior decor. Near the reception is a set of Driade Roly Poly upholstered chairs and a heavy lamp, the frame of which is covered in a rubber finish that looks like fuel oil. The coffee table is made of microcement.
To the left of the entrance is the main sales area of the showroom, with a window facing the street: evening gowns are displayed on a railing and a podium. The floor is covered with microcement, similar to the worn and scratched surface of the earth. All guides are static and made of metal. To make the space look less cluttered, we added a metal wire to the floor to visually connect the guide rail. The podium is made of epoxy resin.
The key design element of the area is stone: partly made of plaster and partly of lacquered foam covered with microcement. According to our idea, the blocks should not only be visually realistic, but also resemble real stones in texture and weight.
The marble-like SLATE was created based on our sketches on the plywood on the frame. It is then covered with a dozen layers of microcement and plaster to achieve a realistic rough texture and uneven edges. The seams on the final product are invisible, and the stone pattern perfectly reproduces the original visual effect.
该局的平面设计师 Oleksii Bylym 为其设计了独特的图案。
To the right of reception are three fitting rooms with a waiting area. Their space is decorated with light boxes with adjustable color temperature lighting. Oleksii Bylym, a graphic designer at the bureau, designed the unique pattern. The walls of the fitting room are decorated with artificial metal materials; The floor is made of black linoleum with a pattern similar to that of a black sand beach. A striking element of the area is the four-metre-high gate.
软垫组配有 Driade Roly Poly 椅子和天然木树桩。
照明由 Flock of Light 系列 Moooi 吊灯提供,这是展厅设计中为数不多的非定制元素之一。
Climbing the stairs to the second floor, customers find themselves in the lounge where wedding dresses are on display. The focal point of this space is a huge sofa. The panels behind it are made of drywall and covered with hand-carved wooden planks. Upholstered with Driade Roly Poly chairs and natural wood stumps. Lighting is provided by the Flock of Light Moooi chandelier, one of the few non-custom elements in the showroom design. The circular walls of the area hide a kitchenette where staff can prepare drinks for guests.
There are four fitting rooms for future brides on the floor. We placed one of them in an oval semi-closed area – its contours are repeated by a backlit mirror. The main focus of this space is on the future bride; the interior serves as a neutral background with smooth lines and tactile materials.
In addition to the oval shape, the simple fitting room with Windows is also a favorite of customers. Windows facing the street have the best natural light. The lamp is custom made - a contractor bakes the clay and tints it to achieve the desired hue. The dressing room podium is made of plaster, covered with microcement and hand-painted. The small coffee table is also made of plaster, covered with microcement and topped with metal.
To the left of the oval area is the largest fitting room with terracotta coloured walls. It took a long time for the contractor to restore the correct texture and tone of the decorative stucco.
The biggest challenge designers face during the design process is how to create realistic textures and tones in simple Spaces.
波兰华沙的Milla Nova精品店,不仅仅是一个售卖婚纱和晚礼服的地方,更是一个让人沉浸在星际之美的艺术空间。在这里,每一款婚纱都仿佛是在讲述一个星际的故事,等待着新娘去发现。
Milla Nova Boutique in Warsaw, Poland, is not only a place to sell wedding dresses and evening gowns, but also an art space to immerse people in the beauty of the stars. Here, every wedding dress is as if it is telling an interstellar story, waiting for the bride to discover.
Alyona Tryhub、Andrew Taran、Liubov Myronchuk、Volodymyr Ponomarenko
Valerii Stefanov、Anastasiia Vinidiktova、Anna Malenko、Yurii Riabets、Hanna Sukhanova
balbek Bureau 是一家乌克兰建筑和室内设计工作室,由 Slava Balbek 和 Boris Dorogovy 创立。我们的团队致力于欧洲、北美和亚洲的商业、企业、住宅和文化空间。
balbek Bureau 项目荣获酒店设计奖、年度最佳室内设计奖、建筑大师奖和 IIDA 全球卓越奖等国际奖项。研讨会作品被Dezeen、Interior Design、ELLE Decoration、ArchDaily等全球顶级媒体报道。