
2024-11-07 20:04
Christian Liaigre
陈泰铭 Pierre Chen
这座自宅不仅是一处居所,更是一座艺术博物馆。这趟创意之旅中,Frauke Meyer以其独到的艺术视角和敏锐的设计触觉,将Christian Liaigre的理念转化为现实,每一处细节都透露着对完美的不懈追求。艺术收藏家陈泰铭以其独到的眼光和深厚的艺术造诣,精心挑选了一系列艺术作品点缀其间,使得整个空间既保留了Liaigre品牌标志性的简洁优雅,又融入了丰富的文化内涵与情感深度。Frauke Meyer的匠心独运,以及陈泰铭 Pierre Chen的艺术收藏,共同编织出一个关于美、关于生活、关于梦想的故事。



Chen recently decided to combine two adjacent units to form this spacious 12,116 sq ft property, which looks out to magnificent views of the Yangmingshan mountain range beyond. He then tasked Studio Liaigre to turn it into a personalised sanctuary as well as a space that would beautifully showcase his extensive art collection.



Art certainly is the key driver for the considered design of this abode, especially for the owner and mega collector, who counts pieces by blue-chip names the likes of Francis Bacon, Mark Rothko, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dali, among the highlights of his treasured assemblage.Chen has been collecting for more than 30 years, starting in his youth, when he saved as much as he could from his deejaying gigs to buy his first piece. He often steer toward works with happy colors, such as red, he only look for art pieces I enjoy, regardless of their market potential or the fame of the artists.”

Frauke Meyer的设计理念是与艺术共生。这套公寓既可用于正式聚会,也可用于休闲聚会。同时,它还充当了一个展览空间,展示业主部分艺术藏品。设计过程中,首要解决位于平面中央的楼梯和电梯所带来的限制,让公寓充满趣味。为保持对这些珍贵画作和摄影作品的关注,迈耶特意选择了简约的材质和色调方案。她大量运用白色,营造出自然的色彩基调,确保材质和色彩不会分散人们对艺术作品的注意力。
When commenting on the brief provided by the client, Meyer expressed that the overall concept for this space is to live with art. This apartment is designed for both formal and casual gatherings. It also serves as an exhibition space, showcasing part of the owners art collection. We must find a way to make the apartment interesting despite the constraints posed by the main staircase and elevator, which are located in the center of the floor. The simple materials and color scheme chosen for the residence are deliberately understated to maintain focus on these valuable paintings and photographs. Meyer employed a lot of white to create a natural color palette, ensuring that the materials and colors do not distract from the artwork.

Meyer naturally incorporated the corridors as gallerias, as corridors do not necessarily mean the absence of natural light. These semi-open spaces bring light into the interior and create a sense of fluidity between different rooms and areas of the apartment. The corridors also serve as galleries, where some of the owners art collection is displayed.

Window louvres offer light control, a key criterion for an abode filled with priceless works of art. These help diffuse the daylight that enters the apartment on sunny days and imbue the home with a soft glow that creates a cosy and inviting atmosphere.


The altogether profound effect of the space feels almost akin to being in the courtyard of a cathedral, where you would admiring not only glimpses of the natural scenery—in this case, the mountains—in the distance but also the intriguing mix of museum-quality work displayed in the hallway and various areas of the home.

Meyer carefully designed every element to ensure the living room is spacious and easy to navigate. The custom-made Liaigre furniture, with its moderate proportions, is synonymous with elegance and comfort. The warm wooden pillars naturally frame the artwork, creating a contrast with the white elements of the living room.



Chen Taimings other collection focus - wine, along with his familys love for entertainment, also influenced the aesthetic design of other areas in his home. Gourmet food and fine wine are his passions, making the dining area the most important and memorable space. He considers a pair of creamy white ceramic chandeliers hanging above the dining table as one of his favorite elements in the final interior design. What he loves most is the delightful sound produced when the handmade ceramic lampshade is tapped, resembling the echo of church bells.
The rest of the apartment continues the understated look evident in the hallway and the multiple living areas of the abode, catering to the life of a bon vivant.

To meet the high level of quality and detailed craftsmanship expected by both the owner and the design team, all of the wood panellings and other interior architectural elements were custom-made and constructed in Germany to match the exact dimensions needed, and then shipped to Taipei. It is easy to see why the designer considers the cloistered structure both the most challenging and rewarding part of the project.



Such interior architectural elements are paired with a graceful selection of Liaigre furnishings with dark wood structures and paired with leather and fabric in black or off-white tones. These include a curved velvet sofa and a matching rug in deep blue tones, which are paired with black lacquered finishes on the coffee tables and consoles to bring an elegant sheen to the interior design.


The five bedrooms in this apartment continue the handsome use of light wood seen in the social zone, with smaller and more intimate works displayed in these spaces to amplify the cocooning atmosphere. The concept here, is that of a cabinet of curiosities, with an intriguing mix of art and fine details to be discovered in every nook. Each guest room is also designed to be distinct from one another, with mesh screens creating almost a game of hide-and-seek, separating these from the public-facing areas of the abode.he nailed directly onto the wood-paneled walls to create an intimate salon-style grouping. With that kind of lessened formality, the interplay between art and design became effortless.








The entire design, construction, and renovation process took less than three years, and the stunning result delighted both the client and the design team. Meyer believes that the overall characteristics of the apartment posed both a challenge and a delight for the design. After the client moved in, the most satisfying feedback we received from him was that he truly enjoys his home, just as he originally intended: to use the apartment as a social venue to entertain his many friends and share his taste in art with them.
项目名称 |
Taipei home of art collector Pierre Chen
Project Name |
Taipei home of art collector Pierre Chen
室内设计 |
Studio Liaigre
Interior Design |
Studio Liaigre
项目地址 |
Project Address |
YangMing Mountain, Taipei
主创设计 |
Christian Liaigre、
Frauke Meyer
Main Designer |
Christian Liaigre、
项目摄影 |
Kyle Yu Photo Studio
Photography |
Kyle Yu Photo Studio

法国设计大师Christian Liaigre曾为世界各地众多令人印象深刻的住所和游艇打造室内空间,长久以来一直是名人客户和富豪阶层竞相追捧的设计师。1985年创立的同名品牌莱俪(Liaigre)至今仍是设计领域的佼佼者,备受全球时尚引领者的青睐。这位已故的设计师于2020年离世,2016年他将公司的交给了自己信赖的同事兼合作伙伴Frauke Meyer,Meyer担任该品牌的创意总监,领导设计团队。
Having crafted and furnished the interiors of an impressive array of beautiful abodes and yachts around the world, the French design maestro Christian Liaigre had long been a sought-after name by celebrity clients and the jet-set. Founded in 1985, the namesake brand Liaigre continues to be a leading name in the design realm, coveted by tastemakers around the world. The late designer, who passed away in 2020, handed the creative reins of the company to his trusted colleague and collaborator Frauke Meyer in 2016; Meyer leads the design team as the brand’s creative director.










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