2025-03-05 21:31
FOLAB ARCHITECTS 是位于乌克兰的建筑工作室。其设计风格强调与自然的融合,注重运用柔和的有机材料,如木材、石材和绿植等,并通过精心设计光影平衡、质感触感以及简化空间布局,体现出禅宗原则。
The house is located in Vienna, Austria and is designed as a family home. The aim of the project is to create an environment in which the owners will feel the surrounding landscape as part of the house.
The facade of the house is divided into two parts (common and private) of different heights, made of stone of different textures and colors, which are united by a common metal cornice, whose function is to protect against atmospheric precipitation. Such plastic and textural solutions make the house more expressive and harmonious in terms of visual perception.
私人住宅采用 L 形布局,拥有独立庭院这一显著优势。房屋各区域的合理分布,有助于更高效地划分功能区间,为休憩、工作和睡眠分别提供适宜空间。
The L-shaped layout of a private house has the advantage of a separate courtyard. The location of the premises in different areas of the house contributes to a more efficient division of functional areas, providing space for rest, work and sleep.
Surrounded by lush greenery, the residence offers a harmonious balance between privacy and openness. The horizontal brick façade and minimalist fence emphasize the desire for simplicity and elegance, while the architecture, as if grounded in nature, allows light to freely penetrate the space, adding life to it.
得益于大型全景窗户的设计,光线肆意穿透空间,不仅将室内照亮,还洒落在庭院的另一侧。房屋呈现出的 “通透” 效果,使身处其中的人无论从哪个角度,都能将周遭风景尽收眼底。
Thanks to the large panoramic windows, light freely penetrates the space, illuminating not only the interior but also the opposite side of the courtyard. The effect of “transparency” of the house allows you to enjoy the views from any point!
这间客厅巧妙融合现代简约主义与自然美学理念。大型全景窗户的存在,让光线毫无保留地充盈整个空间,同时将庭院景致引入室内。我们致力于打造的,远不止是一个普通房间,而是一种独特氛围 —— 明亮、开阔且极具启发性 。
This living room combines modern minimalism with natural aesthetics thanks to large panoramic windows that fill the space with light and give a view of the courtyard. We wanted to create not just a room, but an atmosphere - light, spacious and inspiring.
该项目的核心理念在于将现代设计与自然元素精妙融合。全景窗户的设计,不仅为空间引入了充足的光线,开阔了视野,更将庭院巧妙地转化为室内空间的自然延伸。正是这种规划形式,使得大型全景窗户能够发挥最大效用,不仅让自然光肆意倾洒,还完美地将周围的自然景观引入室内,实现了室内外空间的和谐统一与无缝衔接 。
The key idea of this project is to combine modern design with nature. Panoramic windows let in light and open up views that turn the courtyard into a continuation of the interior.
This form of planning allows the use of large panoramic windows, providing natural light and views of the surrounding nature
深沉的色调与自然的纹理相互交织,营造出静谧且优雅的氛围。这里,时尚与舒适实现了和谐交融。厨房内,深色系的运用、利落严谨的线条搭配自然纹理,充分证明了舒适感也能以时尚且极具表现力的方式呈现 。
Dark shades, strict lines and natural textures - this kitchen proves that comfort can be stylish and expressive.Deep colors and natural textures create an atmosphere of calm and elegance. This is a place where style and comfort are harmoniously combined.
此设计采用天然材料,搭配温暖纹理与柔和色调,营造出宁静平和之感。全景窗户引入大量自然光,拓宽视野,使室外景观自然融入室内空间。简约的造型与对细节的精心雕琢,让这间卧室成为开启与结束一天生活的理想之所 。
The design uses natural materials, warm textures, and soft colors that give a sense of calm. Panoramic windows let in a lot of natural light and open up the landscape, which becomes part of the interior.Minimalism of shapes and attention to detail make this bedroom a place where you want to start and end your day.
这间浴室专为那些崇尚风格与和谐之美的人士精心打造。天然木材的温润质感与石材纹理相互映衬,与简洁的现代设计完美融合,相得益彰。宽敞的淋浴区域,柔和的自然光倾洒而入,再加上温暖宜人的氛围,共同营造出一种宁静而舒适的惬意氛围,令人倍感放松 。
This master bathroom was created for those who appreciate style and harmony. Natural wood and stone textures are perfectly combined with a laconic modern design. A spacious shower area, soft natural light and warm accents create an atmosphere of calm and comfort.
揭秘 Anna Tverskov:以自然之名,筑极简之境