WinterMcDermott 宁静自然·汉普顿奢华别墅

2025-01-17 22:02
Winter McDermott Design是一家由Maureen Winter McDermott创立的纽约高端室内设计公司,专注于住宅空间设计。Maureen毕业于纽约室内设计学院,师从设计偶像Vicente Wolf,倡导设计与建筑的紧密协调,打造轻松平和、充满故事感的空间,展现现代且独特的设计美学。

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位于纽约东汉普顿的 East Hampton Sanctuary是Winter McDermott Design的最新住宅项目,设计师 Maureen Winter McDermott 以其独特的设计理念,创造了一个宁静、优雅且充满现代感的居住空间。这座住宅完美地融合了建筑与自然景观,既呈现出高端住宅的奢华气息,又不失温馨舒适的生活氛围。
The East Hampton Sanctuary in East Hampton, New York, is the latest residential project by Winter McDermott Design, designed by Maureen Winter McDermott. Creating a peaceful, elegant and contemporary living space. The house is a perfect blend of architecture and natural landscape, presenting a high-end residential luxury without compromising a warm and comfortable living atmosphere.

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Maureen Winter McDermott 的设计哲学强调空间不是装饰的堆砌,而是一个有故事的整体。在 East Hampton Sanctuary 中,每个细节都经过精心考量,旨在为住户提供一个既现代又舒适的生活环境。Maureen 曾在设计导师 Vicente Wolf 的指导下工作,这一经历深刻影响了她的设计风格,她坚持认为设计应当与建筑的结构紧密配合,创造出与空间及其周围环境相协调的作品。
Maureen Winter McDermotts design philosophy emphasizes that space is not a pile of decorations, but a whole with a story. At East Hampton Sanctuary, every detail has been carefully considered to provide residents with a modern and comfortable living environment. Maureen worked under design mentor Vicente Wolf, an experience that deeply influenced her style, insisting that design should work closely with the structure of the building to create works that are in harmony with the space and its surroundings.

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在这座住宅的设计中,Maureen 采用了轻松、平和的色调,搭配自然材料如木材和石材,营造出一种温暖而宜人的氛围。每个房间都没有过多的装饰,而是注重材料的质感与空间布局,确保居住者能够在繁忙的日常生活中找到片刻的宁静。
In the design of this house, Maureen uses relaxed, peaceful tones, paired with natural materials such as wood and stone, to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Each room is not overly decorated, but focuses on the texture of materials and spatial layout, ensuring that residents can find a moment of peace in the busy daily life.

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East Hampton Sanctuary 的布局注重开放性与通透感,住宅内的各个功能区之间无明显的隔断,通过巧妙的设计和流畅的过渡,使空间得以自由流动。宽敞的客厅与餐厅区域通过大面积窗户将外部自然景观引入室内,使自然光充盈整个空间,增强了房屋的开放感。
The layout of East Hampton Sanctuary focuses on openness and transparency. There is no obvious partition between the various functional areas of the house. Through clever design and smooth transition, the space is free to flow. The spacious living and dining areas bring in natural views from the outside through large Windows, filling the space with natural light and enhancing the sense of openness of the house.

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设计师特别注重空间之间的连贯性,客厅、餐厅和厨房之间的过渡自然流畅,既确保了各个区域的独立性,又避免了沉闷的隔离感。此外,Maureen 还在住宅中精心设置了多个开放式空间,既提供了充足的私密性,又保持了轻松、自由的居住体验。
The designer pays special attention to the continuity between the Spaces, and the transition between the living room, dining room and kitchen is natural and smooth, ensuring the independence of each area while avoiding a dull sense of isolation. In addition, Maureen has carefully arranged several open Spaces in the house, providing plenty of privacy while maintaining a relaxed and free living experience.

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在材料的选择上,Maureen 深知质感与舒适的重要性。East Hampton Sanctuary 中大量使用了天然石材、木材以及细腻的织物,体现了她对材料质感的极致追求。每一件家具、每一件艺术品都被精心挑选,以与整个空间的美学风格相呼应。设计师还通过定制家具和装饰物,赋予空间个性与独特的风格。
In the choice of materials, Maureen understands the importance of texture and comfort. The extensive use of natural stone, wood and fine fabrics in East Hampton Sanctuary reflects her ultimate pursuit of material texture. Every piece of furniture, every piece of art has been carefully selected to echo the aesthetic style of the entire space. The designer also gives the space personality and unique style through custom furniture and decorations.

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此外,住宅内的灯光设计也是一大亮点。Maureen 通过调节光线的层次感,巧妙地增强了空间的温馨感和舒适感。在卧室、客厅和餐厅等主要区域,灯光的配置不仅满足功能需求,更在视觉上增添了层次感和舒适的氛围。
In addition, the lighting design in the house is also a highlight. Maureen subtly enhances the warmth and comfort of the space by adjusting the layering of the light. In the main areas such as the bedroom, living room and dining room, the lighting is configured to not only meet the functional needs, but also add visual layer and comfortable atmosphere.

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East Hampton Sanctuary 最大的特色之一就是它与周围自然景观的无缝融合。住宅周围的绿地、花园和泳池都被巧妙地引入室内,设计师通过大面积的落地窗和滑动门,让室内空间与外部环境形成一体。无论是在客厅、餐厅还是卧室,住户都可以轻松享受到户外的美丽景色,同时也能够感受到大自然的清新气息。
One of the best features of East Hampton Sanctuary is its seamless integration into the surrounding natural landscape. The green Spaces, gardens and swimming pools around the house are cleverly introduced into the interior, which is integrated with the external environment through extensive floor-to-ceiling Windows and sliding doors. Whether in the living room, dining room or bedroom, residents can easily enjoy the beautiful views of the outdoors, while also feeling the fresh breath of nature.

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East Hampton Sanctuary 是现代奢华与舒适的完美结合。这里没有过度张扬的装饰,而是通过细节和材质的高端呈现,展现出不拘一格的奢华。每个房间都被赋予了舒适、宜人的氛围,特别是卧室设计,注重睡眠的舒适性与私密性,配有精美的床品和柔和的灯光,为住户提供一个理想的休憩场所。
East Hampton Sanctuary is the perfect combination of modern luxury and comfort. There is no over-ostentatious decoration here, but through the high-end presentation of details and materials, it shows the eclectic luxury. Each room is endowed with a comfortable and pleasant atmosphere, especially the bedroom design, focusing on the comfort and privacy of sleep, equipped with exquisite bedding and soft lighting, providing an ideal place for residents to rest.

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Winter McDermott Design的最新力作East Hampton Sanctuary,体现了设计师对空间、材料和细节的极致追求。通过精心的空间布局、优雅的色调和高端的材质选择,Maureen Winter McDermott 为这座住宅赋予了独特的魅力。无论是作为度假胜地还是常住住宅,East Hampton Sanctuary 都为住户提供了一个宁静、舒适且充满现代气息的生活空间,完美诠释了奢华与简约之间的平衡。
Winter McDermott Designs latest project, East Hampton Sanctuary, reflects the designers extreme pursuit of space, materials and detail. Maureen Winter McDermott gives this house a unique charm through careful spatial layout, elegant colors and high-end material choices. Whether a holiday destination or a permanent residence, East Hampton Sanctuary offers its residents a peaceful, comfortable and contemporary living space that balances luxury with simplicity.

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设计版权DESIGN COPYRIGHT : Winter McDermott Design






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