Latteria意式乳品店,以设计颂赞生活 首
2025-02-27 00:12
atteria, located in the Aboriginal settlement of Kaurna, Australia, is a contemporary space that pays homage to a traditional Milanese creamery. It is not only a restaurant or bar, but also a social place where work and leisure are combined, a gathering point for memories, where the community can feel the warmth of home, connect the past with the present, and find a balance between the familiar and the new.
Studio Gram设计的Latteria乳品店,其灵感来源于经典的意式乳品店,它集酒吧、餐馆和熟食店于一体,打造出一个风格鲜明的社区空间,使其成为日常聚会的目的地,以及城市生活中的温柔驿站。作为一处坐落于住宅区的空间,它通过空间与美食传递归属感,承载着人们的味觉记忆和生活片段。
tudio Grams Latteria Creamery, inspired by the classic Italian creamery, combines a bar, restaurant and deli to create a vibrant community space, making it a destination for everyday gatherings and a tender stop in urban life. As a space located in a residential area, it conveys a sense of belonging through space and food, carrying peoples taste memories and life fragments.
hey approach each project with rigor and respect,
and the concept stems from both the comfort of
n the design narrative, the store achieves a clever fusion between tradition and modernity, while perfectly echoing the brands philosophy and the philosophy of food. Although it focuses on function, it pays more attention to the creation of atmosphere, whether it is a cup of coffee in the morning or a cocktail after night falls, it aims to build an ideal situation for people. Custom furniture, handcrafted wood work and tactile materials create a unique and efficient spatial pattern that makes people feel immersed and linger.
tudio Gram将原有的混凝土地面与倾斜的墙体、抛光铬金属、彩色皮革及木质元素相结合,在空间中形成质感鲜明的对比和碰撞。冰冷与温暖、粗犷与精致、静谧与活力在这里交织,赋予室内更丰富的视觉层次和感官体验。
tudio Gram combines existing concrete floors with sloping walls, polished chrome, colored leather and wood elements to create textured contrasts and collisions in the space. Cold and warm, rough and delicate, quiet and vitality are interwoven here, giving the interior a richer visual level and sensory experience.
Specially tailored yellow stained glass infuses the space with a touch of vibrant color. The sun shines in on a clear day, filling the space with warm soft light; As night falls, the lighting device hidden in the glass is lit up, projecting a warm golden halo, not only highlighting the unique atmosphere of the place, but also becoming a landmark presence on the street that is difficult to ignore.
The island bar serves as the core of the space, ensuring efficient operation and creating an intimate social area. The double-sided bar background wall, through clever lighting design, becomes a dazzling stage of wine bottles, emitting a low-key luxury halo, allowing guests to immerse in the tipsy atmosphere.
our separate cocktail areas are hidden, each with hidden doors that allow bartenders to serve guests from different angles, optimising movement and increasing smoothness. Whether drinking alone or sitting around with a group of friends, the space provides the right level of privacy and interaction.
Studio Gram通过光影、色彩、材质的并置和交融,赋予Latteria乳品店极具戏剧性的视觉语言。仿佛置身于时间交错的场域一般,既能感受到经典意式风情的怀旧韵味,又能品味到当代先锋的锐意创新。
Studio Gram gives Latteria Creamery a dramatic visual language through the juxtaposition and blending of light, color and material. As if you are in the field of time, you can feel the nostalgic charm of classic Italian style, but also taste the fierce innovation of contemporary pioneers.
Based on the principle of sustainability, the designers chose durable materials to reduce the waste of resources caused by additional maintenance. At the same time, keep the ceiling high, maximize the introduction of natural light, reduce energy consumption, so that the space is not only aesthetic, but also practical and ecological responsibility. Latteria reinterprets the image of a classic creamery through contemporary design language, allowing diners to experience a resonance of memory, temperature and emotion.