设计师Christina Symes的理想之家,定义生活诗意 首
2025-03-02 20:18
n this tranquil setting, an old shed is given a new life, with the wooden trusses and pitched roof preserved from the original building, presenting a rustic aesthetic. Through the unique perspective of environmental psychology, the designer re-constructs the atmosphere of the space, making it a true spiritual shelter.
计师Christina Symes自幼便与北部河流地区结下了深厚情感,疫情期间的生活体验让她决定定居于此。此处让她感受前所未有的平静,并意识到环境对自身心理的积极影响。同时与一起经营室内设计事务所We Are Triibe和内衣品牌Milk Label的挚友Jessica D’Abadie比邻而居,能够让二人的合作更为顺畅,享受这片土地所带来的社区氛围和构建自己真正向往的生活。
Designer Christina Symes has had a deep relationship with the Northern Rivers region since she was a child, and her experience of living during the pandemic led her to decide to settle there. It gave her an unprecedented sense of peace and awareness of the positive effects of her environment on her psyche. At the same time, living next door to Jessica D Abadie, who runs the interior design agency We Are Triibe and the underwear brand Milk Label, enables them to cooperate more smoothly, enjoy the community atmosphere brought by this land and build a life that they truly aspire to.
Deeply influenced by the environmental psychology
of the project site, it is committed to
Northern Rivers Hillside House是一座60平方米的棚屋,位于山丘之上,被茂密的林地包围,可见远眺海岸线。原建筑老旧不堪,锈蚀的波纹铁皮外墙与屋顶诉说着时间的痕迹,然而,结实的木框架、斜屋顶、裸露的桁架以及混凝土地面,使其成为一个理想的改造对象。对设计师来说,这不仅是对居所的重塑,更是一次关于自然与建筑共生的实践。
Northern Rivers Hillside House is a 60m2 shed set on a hill, surrounded by dense woodland and overlooking the coastline. The old, rusted corrugated iron exterior and roof of the original building speak of the traces of time, but the solid wooden frame, pitched roof, exposed trusses and concrete floor made it an ideal object for renovation. For the designer, this is not only a reinvention of the home, but also a practice of symbiosis between nature and architecture.
改造之前,Christina Symes便开始寻找那些能够触动内心的设计灵感。其中,她被自己尤为钟爱的景观设计师Luciano Giubbilei位于马略卡的“Potters House”里简约的天然材质、作为视觉焦点的建筑细节以及室内与庭院的无缝衔接的方式所深深吸引。因此,在设计自宅时,她希望创造一个柔和、自然、富有生命的空间,使每一个人都能感受到舒适与宁静。
efore the transformation, Christina Symes began looking for design inspiration that would touch her heart. Among them, she was fascinated by the simple natural materials, the visual focus of the architectural details and the seamless connection between the interior and the courtyard of Luciano Giubbileis Potters House in Mallorca, which she particularly loved. Therefore, when designing her own house, she wanted to create a soft, natural and life-rich space, so that everyone can feel comfortable and quiet.
hristina Symes的设计深受环境心理学影响,空间的视觉呈现,会影响居住者的情绪与身心状态。因此,她在设计中优先考虑自然采光、流通的空气、柔和的夜间灯光,以及天然材质的运用,让整个场域具有温润、放松的氛围。
he design of Christina Symes is deeply influenced by environmental psychology. The visual presentation of the space will affect the emotional and physical state of the occupants. Therefore, she prioritized natural lighting, circulating air, soft night lighting, and the use of natural materials to give the whole field a warm and relaxed atmosphere.
uring the renovation, the construction team had suggested the use of gypsum board ceiling and aluminum frame Windows to reduce costs, but she insisted on retaining the exposed wooden trusses and choosing wooden Windows to make the overall design language more close to nature. She believes these details will reshape the soul of the space, giving it personality through soft furnishings, artwork and lighting, even on a limited budget.
所有的家具与装饰中,Christina Symes最喜爱的莫过于客厅的地毯,这是她的事务所We Are Triibe与品牌Pampa合作的作品,为空间注入温暖而柔和的能量。Jessica D’Abadie送给她的两幅小型绘画被悬挂于此,画上描绘的是Christina Symes家门前水塘里睡莲盛开的情景。
Of all the furnishings and decorations, Christina Symes loves nothing more than the living room rug, which her firm We Are Triibe created in collaboration with Pampa to inject a warm and soft energy into the space. Two small paintings given to her by Jessica D Abadie are hanging here. They depict water lilies blooming in the pond in front of Christina Symes house.
n terms of spatial planning, she did not choose an open layout, but through the design of window scenery, so that each life scene has a unique perspective and atmosphere. Whether cooking, bathing, working, or relaxing, every corner is carefully arranged to create a different situational experience. The wooden trusses in the living and kitchen areas, as well as the wooden Windows, not only define the spirit of the space, but also create a deep connection with nature.
hile the bedroom and bathroom are two important areas that have been deliberately designed, she particularly likes the design of the kitchen, which has cabinet finishes that she has hand-polished and sealed with grapeseed oil. In addition, the bamboo countertops on the island have been replaced with laminated wood to make the whole kitchen more coherent, a low-cost but highly efficient design strategy.
室内的材质选择颇为克制,以自然木材为主,辅以精致的细节。卧室与厨房采用Big River Group的斑点桉木板饰面,而浴室则选用了Artedomus的陶土瓷砖和陶土盆,搭配The Blue Space的镀铬水龙头,散发温润沉静的气息。
The material selection of the interior is restrained, dominated by natural wood and complemented by exquisite details. Big River Groups spotted eucalyptus planks finish The bedroom and kitchen, while Artedomuss terracotta tiles and terracotta basins in the bathroom are paired with The Blue Spaces chrome faucet for a warm, calm atmosphere.
Christina Symes来说,追求平衡的生活尤为重要。她喜欢自由地穿梭于宁静的乡村与快节奏的都市里,而这个家构建了她最理想的状态——内心的安定与满足。回望五至十年前的自己,她从未想象过会独自生活在一片森林与农田间,如今,她觉得人生的丰富在此得到了最真实地展现。
For Christina Symes, the pursuit of a balanced life is especially important. She likes to move freely between the quiet countryside and the fast pace of the city, and this home builds her ideal state - inner peace and contentment. Looking back at herself five to ten years ago, she never imagined that she would live alone in a forest and farmland, and now she feels that the richness of life is most truly displayed here.