Fabrizio Casiraghi丨复古与现代的平衡

2025-03-04 21:17
Fabrizio Casiraghi是一位杰出的室内设计师。他在多米尼克·佩罗(DOMINIQUE PERRAULT)的法国建筑工作室和米兰理工大学的历练中,形成独特的设计风格。擅长运用色彩和光线,创造出令人惊喜的混搭效果。设计融合历史与现代,将珍贵织物与工业树脂、古董家具与奢华植物巧妙结合,打造出既和谐又充满异国情调的空间,重新定义了自由的现代性。
Grand Hotel
Bellevue London

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伦敦贝尔维尤大酒店(Grand Hotel Bellevue London),坐落于伦敦帕丁顿(Paddington)的一座庄严的维多利亚式联排别墅之中,以其独特的美学风格和迷人的叙事体验,为这座城市的精品酒店业带来了新鲜的视角。这是 Lignée Hotels 进军英国市场的首个项目,更是巴黎知名室内建筑师 Fabrizio Casiraghi 重新诠释英式传统与现代艺术的一次大胆尝试。
The Grand Hotel Bellevue London, set in a stately Victorian townhouse in Londons Paddington, brings a fresh perspective to the citys boutique hotel scene with its unique aesthetic and captivating narrative experience. This is Lignee Hotels first venture into the UK market and a bold attempt by renowned Parisian interior architect Fabrizio Casiraghi to reinterpret traditional and modern British art.

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Casiraghi 以一位想象中的英国贵族及其周游世界、热衷前卫艺术的妻子为灵感,将 Grand Hotel Bellevue 塑造成他们在伦敦的“私人宅邸”。这座酒店既承载着古典英式的优雅气息,又大胆融入前卫设计,在两种个性之间营造出张力与和谐并存的空间氛围。
Inspired by an imaginary British aristocrician and his globe-trotting, avant-garde wife, Casiraghi turned the Grand Hotel Bellevue into their private home in London. This hotel carries the elegant atmosphere of classical British, but also boldly integrates with avant-garde design, creating a space atmosphere of tension and harmony between the two personalities.

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在这里,历史与现代交织碰撞——深色漆木、复古家具和石膏皇冠造型展现了贵族绅士对传统工艺的敬仰,而他妻子的大胆个性则体现在活力四溢的色彩运用、极具个性的当代艺术品以及独特的混搭风格中。Casiraghi 巧妙地将这两种美学融合,创造出既富有戏剧感,又温馨迷人的酒店氛围。
Here, history and modernity collide - dark lacquered wood, vintage furniture and plaster crown shapes show an aristocratic gentlemans reverence for traditional craftsmanship, while his wifes bold personality is reflected in vibrant use of color, highly personalized contemporary artwork and unique mix-and-match styles. Casiraghi has skillfully combined these two aesthetics to create a hotel atmosphere that is both dramatic and warm and engaging.

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步入 Grand Hotel Bellevue 的接待区,宾客感受到的并不是传统酒店的冷漠大堂,而是仿佛进入了一间充满个性的私人会客厅。装饰细节精致考究——石膏雕花、波斯地毯和镀金镜子与古董家具和定制座椅交相辉映,尽显英式住宅的优雅韵味。然而,Casiraghi 并未止步于复刻经典,他通过大胆的色彩和现代元素来颠覆传统:橙色调的墙面活力十足,而极简主义的金属接待台则增添了不拘一格的趣味。
Entering the reception area of the Grand Hotel Bellevue, guests do not feel the cold lobby of a traditional hotel, but as if they are entering a private meeting room full of personality. The decor is exquisited-plaster carvings, Persian rugs and gilded mirrors complement antique furniture and bespoke seating to reflect the elegance of an English house. However, Casiraghi does not stop at recreating the classic, he upends tradition with bold colors and modern elements: the orange-tinted walls are vibrant, while the minimalist metal reception adds eclectic interest.

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酒店的 60 间客房延续了这种风格上的冲突美学。深色木质家具、橄榄绿或蔚蓝色地毯,以及哥特式飞檐的装饰,赋予房间一种复古绅士气息。而大胆的色彩运用则为房间注入现代感,浴室中的亮色调更是增强了整个空间的活力。从紧凑的航海风格客舱到气派的 Norfolk 套房,每个房间都呈现出克制与华丽的微妙平衡,使宾客仿佛置身于一个充满个性化细节的私人寓所。
The hotels 60 rooms continue this aesthetic of stylistic conflict. Dark wood furniture, olive green or azure carpets, and Gothic cornices give the room a vintage gentlemanly feel. The bold use of color injects a modern sense into the room, and the bright tones in the bathroom enhance the vitality of the entire space. From the compact nautical cabin to the imposing Norfolk suite, each room presents a delicate balance of restraint and opulent, making guests feel like they are in a private retreat filled with individual details.

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在酒店的餐厅,Casiraghi 继续探索经典与现代的融合。卡其色长椅、桃花心木桌和贝壳形壁灯散发出英式经典风韵,而现代主义的橄榄色墙板和立方体吊灯则为空间注入新鲜感。这种对比增强了餐厅的层次感,使其在复古怀旧和当代风格之间找到完美平衡。
At the hotels restaurant, Casiraghi continues to explore the fusion of classic and modern. Khaki banquettes, mahogany tables and shell-shaped wall lamps exude English classics, while modernist olive-colored wall panels and cube-like chandeliers inject freshness into the space. This contrast enhances the restaurants layered feel, giving it the perfect balance between retro nostalgia and contemporary style.

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一楼的Pondicherry酒吧是整个酒店的核心社交空间。空间以标志性的橙色调为主,墙上悬挂着美国时装设计师Emily Bode设计的挂毯。挂毯采用深蓝色亚麻布,其上刺绣图案描绘了英国与印度的历史联系,象征着殖民时期的异国风情,让整个空间充满梦幻般的层次感,兼具历史感与现代趣味。
The Pondicherry Bar on the ground floor is the core social space of the entire hotel. The space is dominated by a signature orange tone, with tapestries by American fashion designer Emily Bode hanging on the walls. The tapestries are made of dark blue linen with embroidered patterns that depict the historical connection between Britain and India, symbolizing the exoticism of the colonial period and giving the space a dreamlike layering that combines historical and modern interest.

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Grand Hotel Bellevue 还携手 Emily Bode 共同打造了一间特色精品店,售卖设计独特的棒球帽、笔记本等配饰。Bode 的作品向传统工艺和怀旧风格致敬,同时又充满现代趣味,使这间精品店不仅是酒店体验的延续,也成为了宾客带走一部分 Bellevue 想象世界的方式。
Grand Hotel Bellevue has also partnered with Emily Bode to create a specialty boutique selling uniquely designed accessories such as baseball caps and notebooks. Bodes work pays homage to traditional craftsmanship and nostalgic style, but is also full of contemporary interest, making this boutique not only a continuation of the hotel experience, but also a way for guests to take away a piece of Bellevues imagined world.

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Grand Hotel Bellevue London 是一场对英式优雅的颠覆与重塑——Casiraghi 在经典与现代之间平衡,将贵族气息、戏剧性风格与个性化细节融合,为宾客创造了一个既华丽又充满故事感的居所。在这里,每一处设计都承载着隐秘的叙述,每一件家具都像是主人的私人珍藏,塑造了一种介于私人宅邸、会员俱乐部和电影场景之间的独特氛围。这家酒店,展现了一种别具一格的生活方式,让每位入住者都能沉浸于这个充满魅力与幻想的世界之中。
The Grand Hotel Bellevue London is a subversion and reinvention of British elegance - Casiraghi balances the classic with the modern, combining aristocratic atmosphere, dramatic style and personal details to create a residence that is both gorgeous and full of story. Here, each design carries a hidden narrative, and each piece of furniture is like the owners private collection, creating a unique atmosphere between a private mansion, a members club and a movie set. This hotel presents a unique lifestyle, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in this world full of charm and fantasy.

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信息 | information
:Alfred King
设计版权DESIGN COPYRIGHT : Fabrizio Casiraghi






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