Covet Noir丨温暖静谧之居 首
2024-12-20 23:09

Covet Noir 是一家位于切尔西的高端室内设计工作室,由 Maria Lindgren 和 Adele Lonergan 于 2018 年创立,专注于永恒优雅的设计,融合中性色调与新旧元素。Maria 的斯堪的纳维亚美学与 Adele 对建筑遗产的敏锐洞察共同塑造了他们的设计语言。他们以开放透明的合作方式闻名,致力于创造既美观又贴合客户生活方式的空间。

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Belgravia Residence位于伦敦高端社区贝尔格莱维亚,总面积为264平方米(约2850平方英尺)。客户十分喜爱这栋联排别墅的地理位置,但希望彻底更新其美学风格,摆脱原有沉重的深色木材和繁复的细木工设计。Covet Noir 受客户委托,将这座1980年代的建筑重新构想为一个温暖的地中海风格避难所,同时注入一丝加州的清新与凉爽。
Belgravia Residence is located in the upscale London neighborhood of Belgravia, with a total area of 264 square meters (approximately 2,850 square feet). The client loved the location of the townhouse but wanted to completely update its aesthetic, moving away from the heavy dark wood and intricate joinery design. Covet Noir was commissioned by the client to re-imagine the 1980s building as a warm Mediterranean sanctuary while injecting a touch of California freshness and coolness.

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为了实现这一愿景,Covet Noir移除了原有的厚重檐口和镶板门,倾向于更简洁、现代的建筑细节。所有粗糙的边角被圆润的线条所取代,为空间带来柔和感。引入定制宽木板橡木地板,搭配柔和的 Bauwerk 墙面色调,不仅增强了室内的温暖,还完美突出了新设计的优美曲线。房间之间采用无框门和无缝过渡设计,大大提升了空间的开放性与流动感。
To achieve this vision, Covet Noir removed the original heavy cornice and panelled doors in favour of more concise, modern architectural details. All rough edges and corners are replaced by rounded lines, bringing a soft feel to the space. The introduction of custom wide-plank oak flooring, coupled with soft Bauwerk wall tones, not only enhances the warmth of the interior, but also perfectly highlights the graceful curves of the new design. Frameless doors and seamless transitions between rooms greatly enhance the sense of openness and flow of the space.

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The highlight of the project is the custom-made travertine bathtub in the main suite. Carved from a single piece of travertine Navona weighing more than 800 kg, the bathtub was hoisted through the terrace to the fourth floor and placed in a central position under the window. The bathtub is surrounded by the curved corners of the Tadelakt wall, adding a unique relaxed and sophisticated atmosphere to the entire space.

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With these transformations, the Belgravia House has been transformed into a warm, elegant and modern refuge that perfectly reflects the lifestyle and personality of the client.

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