新作丨法奈设计 · ONSITE 即地展厅,有无之境 首
2025-02-18 21:47
万物都是运动的。运动不仅是其存在的自然法则,亦如弗朗索瓦·德拉豪兹叶赫(François Delarozière)所言,“运动是用来表达情感的,就好比人利用肢体语言来演绎舞蹈,舞蹈就是情感表达的方式。”一切皆无定法,动静相对、并立,甚至是互为转换,它们塑造着相异的场地精神,犹入“有无之境”。
Everything exists in motion. Movement is not only a fundamental law of nature but, as François Delarozière once said, “Movement is an expression of emotion, just as humans use body language in dance, where dance itself becomes a means of emotional expression.” There is no absolute formula - motion and stillness are relative, coexist, and even transform into one another. They shape distinct spatial experiences, immersing visitors in a realm where presence and absence intertwine.
Locality·Spatial Strategy
美是理念的感性显现,通过不同载体而生成丰富的形态,或理性硬朗,或柔软流动,或朦胧缥缈,或隐而不见全凭心领神会。作为一家全机电系统集合美学品牌,ONSITE 即地借由产品的铺设,连接着各个功能区,并赋予它们生机。如何将这种饰面层之下的“隐蔽性”恰如其分地展现,成为了设计思考的切入要点。
Beauty is the sensory manifestation of ideas, taking on diverse forms—rational and robust, soft and fluid, hazy and ethereal, or entirely hidden, understood only through intuition. As an aesthetic brand integrating comprehensive mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems, ONSITE Showroom breathes life into each functional area through its carefully curated installations. The challenge lies in revealing the inherent “concealment” of these infrastructural elements in a way that is both subtle and profound.
Architecture is driven by function. Starting from the brand’s core identity and the site’s conditions, FARNEAR DESIGN devised a strategy of spatial reconstruction. A U-shaped architectural framework extends beyond the existing columns, creating an open and inviting gesture for visitors. At the center, the original column has been expanded in diameter and segmented into three staggered sections - drawing attention while housing the showroom’s branding, concealed lighting, and a cascading arrangement of copper pipes. The interplay between these elements evokes the imagery of water flowing into a spring, resonating with the natural rhythms of sound and motion.
事物自有本源。ONSITE 即地的隐蔽工程产品主要为铜材质,铜由自然中的矿物质提取、加工而来,设计师有意在一片“矿藏”里开辟出新的天地,游走其间,让我们体验成品的同时,亦能了解产品的本质渊源。
Every material has its origin. ONSITE’s concealed engineering solutions primarily use copper, a metal extracted and refined from natural minerals. The design metaphorically constructs a mine-like environment, allowing visitors to not only experience the finished product but also gain insight into its raw material origins.
Upon entering, a narrow pathway leads inward before subtly rising in elevation, forming a striking contrast with the surrounding environment—naturally piquing the curiosity of passersby.
Architectural Expression·The Beauty of Mechanics
Le Corbusier believed that we all possess an inherent appreciation for mechanical aesthetics, deeply embedded in our daily lives through admiration, gratitude, and respect. The beauty of mechanics, expressed through mathematical and geometric precision, enhances a space’s rationality and scientific integrity while embodying the principles of technology. In this case, conventional copper pipes of varying diameters are grouped in threes, weaving together to echo the classical arch motif found in Western architecture.
On the elevated platform, circular voids punctuate the surface, symbolizing the transformation from absence to presence. Each emerging arch integrates a concealed light fixture, seamlessly connected to the showroom’s intelligent lighting system. As water flows through, it reflects a spectrum of colors, creating a futuristic and immersive visual experience. Between these arches, functional components such as a bar and reception counter are strategically placed, ensuring a balance between aesthetic expression and practical usability—making the spatial experience dynamic and engaging.
Architecture acts as a vessel and so do pipelines. Though hidden beneath surfaces, they form a complex, self-contained system, weaving an intricate network that remains largely unseen. Through precise design interventions, we capture this inherent flow, rendering the journey of air and water into a tangible, perceivable experience.
Internally, three walls are softened with draped curtains, concealing the pipe installations while offering flexibility - allowing the engineering elements to be fully revealed or kept discreet, depending on the need. The logic of mechanical beauty lies in the seamless fusion of intrinsic beauty and functional beauty - a unity that achieves Platonic grandeur, organic order, and a deliberate yet harmonious spatial rhythm.
Eastern Philosophical Influence·The Brand’s Identity
Innovative architectural thought often emerges from a departure from tradition, integrating mechanical precision with aesthetic significance. The inherent qualities of concealed engineering - being invisible, cyclical, and fluid - parallel the Eastern philosophical concept of Wu (无), or absence. In Chinese thought, all things emerge from absence into presence and ultimately dissolve back into absence, embodying an eternal natural rhythm.
Within this cultural framework, simplicity aligns with the principles of the Five Elements (五行) - a philosophy centered on the dynamic interplay between metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. Copper, as a metal, originates from the earth (Earth generates Metal), positioning earth as the foundational source and metal as its evolved form - represented here by the copper pipes. This naturally extends to Metal generates Water, a cycle that resonates with ONSITE’s commercial ethos, emphasizing circulation, connectivity, and transformation.
ONSITE 即地,旨在重塑一种新的场地精神,以“即地制造”为本源,将隐而不见的事物进行显性地表达。“ONSITE”是“ON”和“SITE”的组合,强调地点、在场和置身其中的感知力,发掘、显现与放大浓缩的城市记忆,进而激发无限活力。
ONSITE is dedicated to redefining spatial narratives, transforming the invisible into the visible through the philosophy of “on-site manufacturing.” The name “ONSITE” merges “ON” and “SITE”, emphasizing presence, place, and immersion - unearthing and amplifying urban memory while igniting boundless creative potential.
ONSITE 即地作为一家全机电系统产品集合美学品牌,目前代理了Wieland、KEMPER、KHS、Aalberts、Blücher等诸多世界级产品,通过艺术化的空间形式,融合给排水、暖通、强弱电和智能化的顶级住宅全机电隐蔽工程,并展现材料本身的个性,为客户提供专业的隐蔽工程技术整体解决方案。
As a leading aesthetic brand specializing in integrated MEP solutions, ONSITE represents world-class products from Wieland, KEMPER, KHS, Aalberts, and Blücher. Through the convergence of artistic spatial design and cutting-edge concealed engineering, ONSITE seamlessly integrates water supply and drainage, HVAC, electrical systems, and smart home technologies - showcasing the inherent beauty of materials while delivering comprehensive technical solutions for high-end commercial and residential applications.
Project Name丨ONSITE ONSITE Electromechanical Aesthetics Experience Center
Project Area丨102 square meters
Project Location丨China·Shanghai
Design Firm丨FARNEAR DESIGN/FARNEAR Design (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd.
Scope of Services丨Brand Planning、Business Consulting、Visual Identity (VI) Design、Spatial Design、Lighting and Smart Audio-Visual Design
Project Photography丨ingallery
Creative Copywriting丨off-words/moon
法奈(上海)设计顾问有限公司是一家拥有国际背景的新锐室内建筑设计事务所。以商业空间、生活空间及艺术空 间整体视觉落地呈现出主营业务。作为一家专业机构,我们坚持精品战略,为了忠实体现我们的设计作品我们可 以提供从设计、施工、到艺术饰品的精装全套服务。这个服务体系是以高水平的设计为指导,统领整个装饰行业的 产业链,并以高效、完美的作品来回馈我们的客户。
FARNEAR Design (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. is an emerging interior architectural design firm with an international background. Our core business focuses on the comprehensive visual realization of commercial spaces, living spaces, and art spaces. As a professional institution, we adhere to a boutique strategy, offering a full suite of services from design and construction to artistic embellishments. This service system, guided by high-level design, oversees the entire industry chain in the field of decoration, and it is our commitment to reward our clients with efficient and impeccable works.